Chapter 22

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" Your pregnant " Ella says, as he walks out of the restroom, Alejandros mouth instantly drops hearing those words, after hearing those words everything just stops. " No, that's not possible we only fucked one time! " I say " I agree " Blaise says " take another one then " Alejandro says as he hands me another stick we bought about like 3 boxes they each had two in them. I nod, and do the same routine I did a couple of minutes ago, a few minutes pass, Ella checks again " nope still positive " Ella says " you said you were on birth control Davina " Blaise finally says, after not saying anything since earlier " I was, I didn't know it expired " I say, as I say that I hear a phone ring, it's Blaise's. " What " he says angrily " you guys are fucking dumb " Blaise says " your sorry? If I don't see that shit the way I want it by fucking tomorrow I will fire each and everyone of you ungrateful little bastards " Blaise says, as he hangs up and throws his phone on the bed.

" Are you two gonna have it? " Ella asks, Blaise looks at me. " Look I'm not ready too be a father, but I don't really wanna abort it, or give it up " Blaise says, as he shrugs " we've only know each other for a month we aren't even together! " I say angrily " then we'll get too know each other, we have 9 months correct? " Blaise says, as he comes up too me and grabs my hands and interlocks it with both of his " fine. But I'll look ugly pregnant " I say " you look beautiful, either way Davina " Blaise says as he kisses my forehead " but you don't do relationships " I say " Davina, stop looking for all the things wrong. We will figure this out together who knows maybe you aren't even pregnant " Blaise says " oh she's pregnant, he mood swings, her face looks pale, throwing up? " Ella says " okay but we did it only a couple of days ago, it takes a couple of weeks for a baby too get in there " I say " just go too the doctors when we get back home " Alejandro says, as he takes of his shoes and lays on the bed " home? " Blaise says " oh yeah forgot too tell you guys, Alejandro is moving in with us. " Ella says " yeah I wanna see the Blaise Valentino take care of a child " Alejandro says, Ella chuckles and so does Alejandro. I giggle " I'm very much capable of taking care of a child " Blaise says, he's so full of himself. " Okay, and what if it's a girl? Are you gonna talk too her about boys? Periods? The talk? " I ask " oh hell no, she isn't dating any boys. There will be no talk, and the period thing you can handle " Blaise says, as he sends a innocent smile.

" Oh no my niece is gonna have fucking boyfriends, and she'll give you a grandchild mark my words " Ella says " no " Blaise says as he also takes of his shoes, and lays down on his side of the bed and taps on the other free side signaling for me too lay down " oh we aren't going too sleep, for our last night in New York, I say we go party before more work well that goes for Alejandro and Blaise " Ella says, I giggle then I begin too cry " Davina why are you crying " Alejandro asks " wait she's crying? " Blaise asks, Alejandro nods. Blaise gently turns be around and raises his hand against me face and gently wipes my tears away with his thumb " what's wrong princess? " Blaise asks that nickname makes me cry more, I honestly don't know why I'm crying " because I can't drink or party anymore for 9 months, and two that nickname " I say, as I begin too cry more, I hear Ella and Alejandro laugh.

" Love, you'll be okay " Blaise says, as he laughs, I smile hearing his voice and begin too stop crying. " You can party without drinking Davina " I hear Ella say, I turn around too face Alejandro and Ella, as soon as I do that I feel Blaise's hands slightly pull be back and he raps his hands around my waist and begins too trace little circles on my stomach. That soothed me, I don't know why. I've never been into any cuddly shit before, I know this is fast and crazy but he's right we can get too know each other during the pregnancy. Maybe it won't be so bad? " How's that? " I ask, responding too Ellas previous statement " you don't have too drink to have fan, you can dance, you can do whatever. As long as it doesn't hurt my niece or nephew " Ella says, as she smiles " oh my god I'm gonna be an uncle " Alejandro says as he gets up and starts jumping around I begin too laugh and Blaise does the same. God his laugh, never gets old.

" You're right " I say as I get up and sit down on the bed " I say we get ready and leave for a club in about an hour or two " Ella says, as she looks at me and smirks, I smirk back. " Oh no, do you know what these two have planned? " Alejandro asks, as Blaise gets up and sits down beside me " no but it's scaring me " Blaise says, I get up and grab the dress I had packed, hanging up on the hanger thing we had in the hotel the dress was covered though. " Is that a fucking dress Davina? " Blaise ask " I don't know, guess you'll have too find out " I say as I shrug, and Ella smirks at me as she also grabs one she had hanging up " Ella " Alejandro says firmly " Alejandro " Davina says as she giggles and we both go into the restroom before the boys can say anymore " I don't have too shower I'm gonna shower later tonight " Ella says, I nod I begin too get undressed and get into the shower you already know what I do before I begin too wash my body and hair, after fixing the water the way I liked it I wash my body and hair, and I looked down at my stomach, I don't see anything as in a bump, probably because it's so early in the pregnancy.

After doing all that I get out of the shower and see Ella was already finished getting ready, that's the first after drying off I get dressed and blow dry my hair and put light makeup on. After getting ready I put my hair in a bun and leave too strands out, I go out of the room noticing the boys weren't there " you look beautiful Davina " Ella says, as she stands up from the bed off her phone probably catching up with social media, and emails etc. " Thank you, you look absolutely stunning " I say " where are the boys? " I continue " oh they're already downstairs in the car, we heard that you were almost done so they went downstairs " Ella says, as she puts on some clear lip gloss, as she's doing that I grab a gum and my hand bag that has everything I need.

We walk out of the hotel, it was good sized hotel, it was really nice too. After walking out of the hotel we finally get too the car " Davina go back inside and change " Blaise says, as he gets out of the car " what? No " I say bluntly as I say that Blaise has already made his way too where I was Ella was already in the car " yes go change your pregnant with my child, and half of your ass is showing " Blaise says, I decide too tease him a bit, as I get up on my tilt toes, still not able too reach him even with heels " you don't like what you see baby? Hm maybe I'll have to find step daddy " I whisper in his ear seductively in his ear seeing his reaction, as I turn around and just as I was about too open the door Blaise puts his hand on the window making sure the door doesn't open, I still got it bitches.

" You aren't finding step daddy I'm all you and that baby need " Blaise whispers, my back was faced against his chest and my ass was almost on his cock. I tease him one more time by slowly grinding my ass on him " oh god the things I'd do too you if you weren't pregnant " Blaise says, as he smacks my ass making me whine in pain but also in pleasure he knows I have a pain kink. " You like that? " Blaise says as he slowly rubs his palm on my ass where he slapped it. " Blaise we have t-to go " I say, as I stutter. Fuck I did not just stutter you gotta be fucking kidding me. " That's what I thought " Blaise says, as he opens the door moving me aside gently, and letting me step inside. God this mans gonna be the death of me.

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