Chapter 70

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Oh fucking shit balls dick, I see the familiar face from years but not that much years ago. Same face features, got skinny, same fucking lipstick. I turn my face too see Davina, she looks like a tint of pissed and confused " oh my! I thought you two died " Natalie says, as she points too my parents. My mother fake laughs, then immediately turn into a poker face, Alejandro laughs I hit his arm " ouch " he mumbles " don't fucking laugh " I say quietly, he almost instantly obeys.

" Oh my god El El is that you? " Natalie says, so peppy, I fake smile " oh my god your pregnant! " She says, as she looks down too my belly that was now showing " yes I am " I say, sternly not bothering too show emotion in my voice being my fathers daughter, and my brothers sister you get used too using that kind of face. " And you are? " Natalie questions, as she takes a look at Davina with no longer that happy fake ass smile she had on, more like a angry facial expression. " I could ask you the same fucking question " Davina says, with a tint of anger in her voice, sounds like poison too Natalies ears, some by the look on her face she didn't want.

" Oh! I didn't mean too come at you foul " Natalie says, with now a fake peppy voice and a fake smile on her face, with now hidden fear in that fake as facial expression. Davina must've noticed, because she does that evil giggle my mother does, when their plotting something " whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart " Davina says, as she walks past Natalie entering the restaurant and from what it looks like from the window she gets a waiter, the waiter sits her at a booth.

Her leg was shaking, not out or anxiety but out of anger. I look at Blaise, with a angry look on my face, when wasn't I angry though? Blaise begins too mouth " Don't even right now " I chuckle " good luck " I say, as I gently pat his shoulder, after doing so I take one last glance at Natalie seeing she was spectating Blaise and I. " We'll Natalie, it was terrible seeing you, I hope your pillow is warm on both side's tonight bitch " I say, with a smile I hear Alejandro laugh. Blaise hits his chest " son of a bitch " Alejandro says, as he sets his hand on his chest easing the quick pain.

I giggle " yeah I'm gonna head in with Ella " My parents both say, Davina's parents agree all 4 following behind me. My father opens the door for all of us, before I got the chance too grab the pull handle. I smile at my father, he nods. I make my way inside, so does my mother and Michelle. We make our way towards the table Davina was impatiently waiting for us at. Oh boy, can't wait too see Davina lecture Blaise.


" What the fuck are you doing here? " I growl, Natalie smirks " nothing baby, just visiting where we first met, " she smiles, my anger rises almost instantly hearing her call me ' baby ' absolutely disgusting it feels like it's a shame too ever be called that, I hate how she says it how it rolls of her tongue. " Why are you here? " She questions, as she steps closer, each time she does that I step back. " With family " I say bluntly " I missed them " she says, I roll my eyes, and look at her with anger " they don't miss your cheating ass " I say, that definitely had an effect on Natalie because her fake ass smile disappears and is replace with a bitch face. " That was only one time! It's not my fault I thought your brother was you! " She says, trying too use that as an excuse " whatever, I don't know what nerve came across you too speak to my parents like that, or even speak too them. Period. " I say, with nothing but vain  in my voice and a clenched jaw. " You're the reason, I gave up on commitment, your an asshole for that, your pathetic you can go disrespectfully fuck off " I say, with a hostile glare. I turn my head too look at the window too see my family, watching my every single move trying too make out what me and Natalie are talking about, my eyes go instantly too Davina was pissed off. I mean, about too rip off Natalie's fucking head off, then mine. " Who's that bitch, who looked angrier then shit when she saw me? " Natalie questions, with a tone. I form my hands into fist, I repeat too myself.

Don't do it Blaise. Don't you fucking do it, no matter how angry and pissed off you are don't hit her or touch her, she's a woman. That's going against something you promised yourself you'd never do.

I roll my eyes at my thoughts, " none of your fucking business, she isn't the bitch here she doesn't deserve that tittle your cheating ass does. " I say defensively, Natalie rolls her eyes " now leave my family and I the fuck alone Natalie " I say, with my thick Italian accent, I only use it when I'm being serious or pissed of or too see how flustered Davina gets when I use it. " Okay fine, hulk " she says, as she laughs at her own joke, me? I remain a straight poker face, grinding my teeth together, too keep my patience and anger intact. I roll my eyes once more, and begin too make my way towards the restaurant door. I pull the handle, letting the fresh air of the AC inside hit me. " Oh and by the way " Natalie begins, just as I was about too go inside " your brother was the hotter one, especially Alejandro. " Natalie says, I form fist once again, digging my nails into my palms " but I fuck much better " I say, as I step inside letting the door close behind me not caring too look behind me.

I finally reach our table, which I took slow steps too. I knew I was getting a major lecture not only from my family, and Alejandro but from the one and only. Davina Quinzel. Her lectures are her scolding me. Vicious. The only woman including my mother, and Ella tell me what too do. I take a seat, next too Ella across from Davina and her parents, with my parents and Alejandro sitting beside Ella. Nothing but silence, is now all I hear. Just as the waiter comes, Davina kicks me in shin I quietly groan in pain. " Fuck " I say, Ella hits my chest hard " language " she says, as she watches the waiter approach " hi folks! What can I get for you today? " The lady says, just as I was about too speak " a knife, because I'm about ready too slice a bitch's throat " Davina says, as she smiles.

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