Chapter 23

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As Blaise was driving he hand one hand on my thigh, and the other one driving I told him he should have both hands on the wheel but he doesn't listen. " Both hands on the wheel Blaise " I say, removing his hand from my thigh. He rolls his eyes, and puts his hand on the wheel. Honestly, when we get back home I hope I'm not pregnant, I hate kids, I don't know how too handle them, I don't want kids. Let's hope I'm not.

We finally reach the club. Last time we were at a club I killed 2 people. As Blaise gave his car keys too the guy to park, we walked inside. Ella looked absolutely stunning in her blue sparkly dress, she probably got a lecture from Alejandro on how revealing it was. " You both are showing way too much " Blaise says, as he opens the day for us " so? " Ella says, I giggle. The boys kept a straight face " I'm probably not even pregnant so, can I drink? " I say, thinking maybe someone changed there mind " no drinking theres a 50% chance you are pregnant, and 50% you're not. We're not risking that " Blaise says, as he walks behind me as we enter the club. Music feels my ears, people laughing, yelling, talking all of it I could hear it.

" Let's go dance " Ella says, pulling me away from the boys. As I started dancing with Ella swaying my hips from side too side I see a woman approach Blaise and Alejandro " you see them right? " I ask Ella " yes. Our turn too do what there doing, we aren't letting them fuck up our night " Ella says, thata girl. I nod, as we see two men approaching us " hey beautiful ladies, care too dance? " they both ask us, we nod. A salsa song comes on, who the fuck puts that on in a club. Fuck it " do you know how to salsa? " I ask the man that I was going to be dancing with " of course do you? " He asks, I nod. He interlocked his fingers with mine that's when we begun too dance, I swayed my hips, moving with the rhythm, I could see Ella doing the same. I turned around too face the boys still interlocked with the mans hands, I decided too piss them of and do a quick squat, and slowly get up making my ass hit each and every front part of this mans body.

That's when I saw Blaise clench his jaw I smile, and turned around then sway my hips from side too side, moments later the song ended, that's when the boys walked angrily over here " hi boys " I said in a seductive tone " god your in so much fucking trouble " Blaise says, pulling my hand gently too a private room " who the fuck no let me rephrase why the fuck did you grind on him? " Blaise growled " because you had girls on you " I say, as I shrug and pour myself a drink " no your pregnant or might be put that down " Blaise says " it's water dipshit " I say, that's when Blaise goes on his phone. Really dude? after a couple of moments he gets off " so I can fuck you, if you are pregnant it's early in the pregnancy " Blaise says, as he smirks. " We're using a condom this time " Blaise says, as I frown " I have too go pee " I say randomly, Blaise chuckles " the private bathroom is too the right down the hall " Blaise says, as I walk there I walk, a bit faster. That's when I felt it, I got my period. FUCK YES.

" Blaise! " I scream " what's wrong? " Blaise says, as he comes too the restroom " I got my period " I say as I smile " your telling me I can't fuck you for a week? " Blaise says, as I'm finishing going restroom and flush the toilet. Thank god I'm not pregnant " I'm not pregnant " I say as I begin too kiss Blaise's neck " but you are on you're period so no I'm sorry love, plus we need to get too know each other " Blaise says, I nod. Now that I think about it I always got nauseous before my period started, and I found out a lot of things this week so that's probably why I've been so sad and shit I've be stressed. " Let's go tell Ella Ana Alejandro I say as I finish washing my hands, Blaise nods.

We get too the main part of the club where everyone is, I see Alejandro and Ella dancing together. I'm pretty sure they made up, I saw Ella smiling, and giggling I saw Alejandro laughing and smiling. God I love them both. " They both drive me nuts, but there so cute together. They're soulmates " Blaise says, admiring the view of his sister and best friend smiling. " Do you believe in soulmates? " I ask " yeah but I'm not looking for my soulmate, they can come too me " Blaise says, as he grabs a drink, I giggle. Ella and Alejandro must've us, because they came too where we are. " Me and Alejandro are okay now " Ella says, I nod. " We have news " I say, looking at Blaise him giving me a signal too continue " what's up? " Alejandro says " false alarm. I got my period " I say " thank god " Alejandro says, we all laugh.

For the rest of the night everyone drank besides me I was gonna drive plus I didn't wanna have a hangover tomorrow. " We should go home, you're all drunk " I say, getting up from the couch we were at " mm yeah we should " Ella says slurring her words, the boys were kinda sober not sober enough too drive sober enough too walk and shit. The boys nod, we all go too the car and Alejandro helps Ella get in and Blaise gets in the passenger seat, I was tired. I wanted too get back too the hotel and sleep. I drove back too the hotel Ella was laughing and talking and some more shit, she was pretty fucked up honestly. After we finally got too our room Alejandro went on the bed, and Ella went too take a shower I gave her plenty of water so she could sober up, she did somewhat she stopped slurring he words, she was able too walk and talk properly.

So, she went too take a shower, I felt a wave of sleepiness come over me. After getting into comfortable clothes I saw the boys already asleep Alejandro snoring, and Blaise once in awhile mumbling something in his sleep. I chuckle too myself and I finally get into bed and cuddle up with Blaise, after that I feel another wave of sleepiness, and that's when I let the darkness consume me. Let's see what life brings me tomorrow.

A / N : hey besties, I'm sorry for this lol. But, I think honestly kids fuck up the romance stories and shit, so maybe later on in the future? I decided too play with guys just a bit sorry not sorry. Hope you enjoyed yes I can already tell there's gonna be misspelling comment where I fucked up, and I'll fix it love you all <3

- Mariposa <3

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