1. Shittyside

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Shadyside, small town America. But among locals, a history of horror has earned it another nickname

"Andy turn that off." Maia said, walking into the kitchen with her red cheer uniform on.

"Since when are you a Sunnyvale cheerleader?" Andy said

"Since freshman year when I started cheerleading?" Maia questioned

"I mean for Sunnyvale, how did you get them to even let you on the team?"

"Not important, but Uncle Matt might have pulled a few strings for me. No matter, you need to get into the car or else we will be late" Maia scolded, grabbing an apple from the counter. Quickly getting into the car the sisters bickered, shutting the doors to Maia's beat up car.

"So Andy, I feel like since the- the move, I haven't heard much. Any soccer tryouts coming up?" Maia said trying to make conversation, the girls had been unreasonably distant lately.

"You can say it you know, since mom died? Soccer tryouts are tonight, you'll be at a football game so Ill just walk home" Andy said, a fake smile plastered on her cheeks.  Andy had taken their moms death much better than Maia, it had been 3 months now since the funeral and Maia still struggles to this day.

"Tha- That's good." Maia stuttered, pulling into the parking spot reserved for her.

"I still cant believe they assign everyone parking spots here, the parking spots were barely ever filled out at Shadyside." Andy scoffed.

"I know you were only a Freshman there for a month but it really was a shit-hole, no matter how much I miss my old life, man is it nice here." Maia said, laughing a little at the thought of her new school.

"Okay so you're all good for tonight? I don't need to talk to Uncle Will?" Maia said, worried

"Maia, I'm fine. I'm a highschooler now, I can handle myself." Andy said, a prideful look on her face.

Mandatory meeting in the gym- all Football, Cheer, and Band attendance necessary, blasted over the intercom, as Maia made her way to the gym she met up with Sam and Peter.

"Hey lovebirds, you excited for the game tonight?" Maia asked the couple

"First game of the season, first game together as Sunnyvale cheerleaders" Sam beamed

"I just cant wait to kick Shadyside's sweet asses again this year, really gives me a feeling of euphoria you know? Seeing all hope drain from their stupid faces." Peter joked

"Goddamn Peter, we know you're passionate but try not to sound so much like a murderer." Maia joked as they entered the gym. Peter is Sam's boyfriend of 2 months now, right after Maia moved, Sam followed. Her parents got divorced, driving her out of Shadyside. It was almost perfect timing for the two of them, sticking together through such a hard time in both of their lives.

"Now students, there was another tragic event last night in Shadyside, we will be hosting a candlelight vigil for the victims, be respectful and lets just be good hosts alright?" Coach Martinez said

"Well isn't that such a surprise" a voice said coming up behind the girls, grabbing Maias shoulder

"Be nice James" Maia scolded

"Sorry babe, just not much of a new thing when you live in shittyside" James mocked

"First of all James, were not dating. Secondly, just be respectful tonight alright? No fights, no jokes, just get it over with." Maia said

"Awe babe if you wanted to be my girlfriend so badly just ask" James laughed, high fiving Peter. Sam and Maia both rolled their eyes, walking out of the gym.

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