4. Pound Town

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(No smut involved just some kissing and maybe a fight or two? you'll just have to find out)

Simon grabbed the lost and found bin, slowly bringing it over to the small huddle of friends before dropping it in between them. Everyone grabbed something that might fit them, and began to stand up.

"Alright we have to decontaminate, You cant have any of Sams blood on you" Josh said 

"Well not much I can do about that." Sam said, walking off, Deena following the scared girl 

"Deena, you have to get clean too! Not a single drop okay?" Josh said 

"Rub-a-dub-dub time!" Simon said, walking into the bathroom. 

"Hey, Josh, why don't you help me? Maia can help Si hmm?" Kate offered, walking into the bathroom

"Be safe you two" Maia called after them before pushing the door open to the bathroom.

"Of course you wanted to be all alone with me" Simon teased

"Oh please, I would've been all over Kate if I had a choice" Maia joked, the bathroom going dead silent for a bit.

"Hey Maia, was there any other reason for you leaving Shadyside?" Simon finally asked, the question weighing on him since her move. 

"What do you mean Simon? I left cause of my mom" Maia said 

"Its just that, you know-" Simon began

"Oh right, because im a traitor, and now I hate all of you just because I live in Shadyside, right?" Maia began

"No, Maia, thats not-" 

"Its fine Simon, seriously, I get it, I move 30 minutes away and all of a sudden Im a different person." 

"Maia will you please just shut the fuck up and listen to me?" Simon shouted, "Sorry, I just miss you and care about you"

"So is that why there's been absolutely no communication from any of you? No phone calls, letters?" Maia asked

" Maia we tried, I- I tried, there was no communication on your end either" Simon said 

"Don't pin this on me Simon! Not a single phone call from any of you, at all. You guys pretend to like someone and then as soon as they move thirty fucking minutes away, its like the goddamn moon!" 

"I fucking tried Maia, i thought about you every goddamned day of my life. Every miserable day in this shit ass town, I was wishing you were here because I- I." Simon yelled, the two tearing up. 

"Lets get cleaned" Maia said, taking her shirt off and grabbing a towel. They both threw their shirts to the side and began to clean their torsos off. 

"Here let me help" Simon said, taking the towel from Maias hands. Slowly wiping Maias back with the towel, Simon moved her hair away. 

"Am I good?" Maia asked

"Perfect" Simon muttered 

Making eye contact through the mirror, Maia could see the dazed look in Simons eyes as he looked her up and down. Maia couldn't help but be in awe of Simon, the silent confidence about him, watching as he cleaned her back off with the towel. 

"Simon-" Maia started as she turned around, the pair making eye contact again. Before she could finish Simons lips crashed onto hers, Simon doing the thing he'd been dreaming about since middle school. Kissing him back, Maia quickly leapt onto the sink, never breaking the kiss. 

From outside the bathroom a crash boomed, the kiss slowly breaking apart, the pair laughed as their foreheads met. 

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that" Simon laughed, causing Maia to giggle and smile up at him. 

Killer Queen- Simon KalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now