6. Shadyside Spirit

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"Sams blood marks the spot" Deena said, spreading blood on Joshs shirt before wrapping him in a hug.

"Remember half an hour ago, when you wanted to murder me? You dont have to do this, you can leave." Sam said

" Remember when you decided to sacrifice yourself for us? Were ending this together." Kate said

"Die well, my friend" Simon said, walking away with Kate to look for weapons.

"Please be careful, only one of us needs to die tonight" Sam said to Maia, hugging her tightly.

"Please come back Sam, I cant lose you, you're my best friend." Maia said, hugging Sam back.

"Dont worry, were gonna be fine. Im gonna die, Deena will bring me back and then we can come back home and live a normal life once more." Sam said

"Sam, if I die tonight, and you dont- check on Andy for me. She doesnt deserve to lose everyone." Maia said, worrying about her sister.

"Maia, you arent dying tonight-"

"Just promise me, tell her all the things they say arent true and make sure she made the soccer team, and is adjusting well. You are her favorite of all our friends after all." Maia said with a chuckle.

"I promise" Sam said, her voice breaking.

"Hey, you got this alright? You're Sam motherfucking Frasier, you were born to die" Maia joked, walking back to find Simon. Simon and Josh were by the back door, talking "man to man".

"Listen, you gotta man up and go out there, I have to stay with Maia" Simon said to Josh, not realizing the girl had walked up, "I cant lose her alright, you got this."

"Simon, you ready?" Maia asked from behind him

"Speak of the angel, you gotta man up, and check that exit" Simon said, pointing to Josh, grabbing Maias hand.

"Simon, what if we die tonight?" Maia asked

"Were not dying, were making it out of her and then were gonna go home, watch movies, and eat anything you like, obviously not chicken." Simon said, grabbing her hand. "Here wear this, keep it with you at all times alright, it'll keep you safe" He said, taking off his silver ring and placing it on Maias middle finger.

"Simon, I- I cant lose you" Maia said

"Maia, you wont. Were making it out of this shithole and were gonna live a happy goddamn life together alright? You are my lifeline, okay, you are the hope in my shitty, fucked up life." Simon scolded

"Simon," Maia said, getting choked up" I love you, and I know now's not the right time but-"

"I love you too, and I always have." Simon said, quickly kissing the girl.

"Lets go kill these assholes." Maia said, grabbing a knife from the meat counter.

"There's the Shadyside spirit" Simon said, laughing, dried tears on their cheeks.

The couple slowly walked down the dark hall, no sounds but the air conditioning rattling at the end of the hall.

"You always hurt, the ones you love." Ruby's voice came from down the hall, "The ones you shouldn't hurt at all"

"Simon-" Maia started before a clang came from in front of them

"They're here" He said, terrified. Kates scream came from the store, Simon and Maia turning around. A quick clang came from behind them, a razor blade, quickly spinning around Simon stabbed the knife in Ruby's neck. Billy coming up from behind her, his bat on the ground, Maia quickly threw the knife at the small boy, hitting his square in the chest.

"Run! Run-" Simon said, sprinting from the back. As they entered the storefront again, Kates screams got even louder.

"Go! Theyre right behind us!" Simon yelled to Josh, all three coming out of the aisles to see Kate, her head pushed through the bread slicer. All three speechless, the killers coming up quick.

Almost in slow motion, Nightwing came up from behind Simon, swinging the axe into his head.

"No! You motherfucker!" Maia said, her heart dropping, tears flooding her eyes, sprinting away with Josh. All the memories with Simon flooding Maias brain.

Were making it out of this shithole and were gonna live a happy goddamn life together alright?

Billy came out from behind a shelf, chasing Maia with his bat. Slipping in the blood on the ground, Maia tripped, Billy catching up, slipping all over the store, Billy swung back.

You are my lifeline, okay, you are the hope in my shitty, fucked up life

"Oh hell no, you piece of shit" Maia screamed, meeting his bat before he could swing. Wrestling with the little boy, both hands on the bat, he pushed her to the ground, his hands swinging up.

I love you Maia

Billy swung up and finally brought the bat down. Hitting Maia in the head, knocking her unconscious. Repeatedly swinging back and forth, hitting Maias head over and over again. Her life draining from her body.

"Come on Sam!" Deena said , drowning Sam.

The killers had finally caught up, skull mask gaining on Josh, Nightwing and Ruby going after Deena. Sams hands finally gave out, the killers disappearing. Deena bringing Sam out of the tank, and onto the ground.

"Josh! Grab the pens! Come hurry!" Deena shouted to her brother, Josh sprinting to grab the pens fumbled then before running back.

"Sam!" Deena said, gasping for breath.

"Here, here, here" Josh said, throwing the pens to the ground where Sam lay. Deena quickly started stabbing Sam with the pens.

"Are you doing it right?" Josh asked

"I dont know! I dont know!" 

"I dont think its working" Josh said, finally giving up.

"It has to work! It has to." Deena said, still inserting the pens, "It has to, Sam?"

"Everyones dead." Josh said, tears flowing from his eyes. 

"Simon, Kate, Maia. Theyre gone." Josh said 

"No. No, Sam!" Deena said, preparing to do CPR, "I will not let you do this." 

"Come on Sam!" Deena said, pumping Sams chest. 

After multiple sets of CPR and mouth-to-mouth, white liquid spurted out of Sams mouth, quickly sitting her up, Deena and Josh were relieved they saved one friend tonight. Deena grabbed Sam and sat Sam up with her, trying to calm her down.

"Sam, its over." Deena said, calming her down. 

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