7. The Interviews

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"Interview with Deena Johnson. Sunday October 2nd 1994." Nick said, "Wanna tell me what happened?" 

"We were picking up Sams prescription." Deena said 

"And the lights went out. It was pitch black." Josh began 

"I couldn't really see anything" Sam said, her face pale and sick looking. 

"We ducked behind a counter." 

"We hid until it was over." Deena said, playing with her fingernails. 

"How'd you get that?" Nick asked, pointing to Deena's bloody hand. 

"I fell on some glass."

"Fell on some glass." 

"Sam you had to get 15 stitches in your shoulder" Nick said 

"I fell on some glass" Sam answered

"Sam, you look like a ghost. Like you just came back from the dead." Nick asked, Sams face as pale as a ghost. 

"Shock I guess." Sam said quickly.

"Ill tell you what the facts tell me. The junkies-"

"Kate, Simon, and Maia?" Deena asked

"They weren't junkies." Josh said angrily.

"They were my friends, my best friends." Sam said, thinking back on all her time with the group. 

"They're to blame for everything. That feels too easy to me. But, that's the story this department will go with, unless you can help me to see it differently." Nick asked Deena, wanting the truth he knew was still out there. 

"Another Shadyside tragedy, an underprivileged overachiever with bright prospects." Deena said, remembering Kates only goal, to get out of Shadyside. 

I'm getting out of here, off to claim my place among the stars bitches

"A guy who's been supporting his family alone since he was 15." 

She cant quit me Beddy I'm too pretty!

"And a Shadysider turned Sunnyvaler, with a soft spot for her little sister, now left alone, who just wanted to live a normal teen life."

If I die, and you don't, check on Andy for me. She doesn't deserve to lose everyone. 

"All succumbing to the quick cash of drugs. Fits the narrative, right? Nice and neat." Deena finished

"You came here for my help. I should have listened to you. Im sorry. Im listening now." Nick said 

"But there's nothing else to say." 

"Do you want your friends going down for this? I cant imagine my niece doing something like this Denna, I know there's something else happening here." Nick said 

"No, but they're dead. Just because you cant imagine your precious Goode bloodline getting spoiled by a Shadyside tragedy doesn't mean it isn't possible." Deena finished, Nick ending the recording.

Josh, Sam, and Martin sat outside the room, not saying anything. 

"Hey," Martin whispered to Josh, "Urkel help me out?" Josh looked away, not trying to involve himself in anything else.

"Oh,ok. So im a bad guy because im in here. Then that makes you a bad guy, too, little man." Martin said, Josh grabbing a paperclip and fake coughing, throwing the clip to his feet. Martin slid his foot over the clip, covering it from anyone else. 

"Lets go." Deena said, leaving the office. 

"I owe you." Martin whispered to Josh, handing him his buisness card, "Anything comes to you call me."

Walking out hand in hand, Sams mother met the couple and Josh once again. A disgusted look on her mothers face, Sam rips her hand from Deenas. 

"Samantha" her mom said, grabbing her away from Deena. 

"So I guess Ill, see you tomorrow?" Deena asked

"No," Sam said, "See you tonight." Grabbing Deenas face, Sam kissed her. Leaving with her mom, sending Deena a quick smile from out the door. 

More death in Shadyside, a drug fueled night of violence leaves a trail of bodies. Melissa give us a recap

There are three dead at East Union Medical, along with three teens found at the local supermarket. 

Deena left her room to go answer the door, Josh ordering dinner, the phone rang as she walked back to her room. 

"Hello?" Deena asked, "Hello? Alright listen asshole don't call here-"

"Youre still alive." The voice on the other line said 

"Who is this?" 

"You called me, wanted to know how I survived the Camp Nightwing Massacre." they said 

"C. Berman.." Deena realized

"Did you touch the bones? Did you see her face?" Berman asked

"No its over." 


"Yeah, but uh thanks, for your prompt reply." Deena said sarcastically

"Its not over, its never over" Berman said 

"We ended it" Deena said, getting angry, "We stopped the killers."

"But you havent stopped her. You cant" C. Berman said, " She makes the rules." 

"Who?" Deena asked

"The witch. She'll do whatever it takes, you're not safe. She'll find a way. She'll come for you." A soft footstep coming from behind Deena, her worst nightmares unfolding in her head. 

"Sam." Deena said with a relieved sigh. Sam stabbed the stake into Deena, sending the girls into a fight for their lives, the tv playing in the backround. 

Simon Kalivoda, Kate Schmidt, and Maia Field were all found dead last night at the store, all three gruesome causes of death.

"Get off of me Sam!"

Simon, Kate, and Maia were all three known for their drugs around the local high schools, authorities have come to believe it was done on a drug frenzy

"Sams not feeling like herself" Deena said, grabbing Josh's shoulder. 

The three kids will go down in history as another one of Shadyside's tragic deaths, for unknown reasons. 

"We have to get her back"

Three perfectly happy teens dead- drugs or more Shadysiders gone crazy with the snap of two fingers? More on the story as it comes. 

"I'm going to get you back." Deena said to Sam. 


"Take a seat." C. Berman said, Deena and Josh sitting down, "In Shadyside, the past is never really past. This was July 12th. The summer of 1978. The first day of camp. A week later my sister was dead." 

Throwing the photo down for the brother and sister to see, she told the story, the story of her and her sisters time at the camp. 

The end

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