Chapter 7

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Shikamaru had remembered everything, the war, his life, and Naruto, Who he needed to make sure was ok, if Naruto was the cause of this he needed to know how long Naruto was by himself.

He immediately went to the Hokage's office hoping to find Naruto there if not someone who could tell him where Naruto was. Once there Shikamaru knocked on the door which he got a 'come in' by a familiar voice.

"Shikamaru, what can I do for you?" Tsunade asked in surprise.

"I'm looking for someone and I was hoping he was here." Shikamaru told her vaguely, he wasn't sure if anyone else had come back as well.

"Who were you looking for?" Tsunade asked hopeful, maybe he remembered and was looking for Naruto.

"I was looking for Naruto, do you know where he is?" Shikamaru asked.

"Naruto is at his apartment." Tsunade told him.

"Thank you, Lady Hokage." Shikamaru before he left. What Shikamaru didn't see was the smile that lit up Tsunade's face as he left.

Getting to the apartment to longer then it should of, it felt like hours when in reality it was only 30 minutes. He had passed some of his friends who he ignored mostly, he needed to know Naruto was ok.

(With Naruto)

It was almost time to start planning on how to take down the Akatsuki once and for all. He would need the help of the other Jinchuuriki's, though he knew Yagura-the Fourth Mizukage-wouldn't be much help considering he was being controlled by Obito right now, maybe he could help him. But they would have to make sure Mei Terumi became the next Mizukage. Gaara was going to be attack in after he came back from training with Jiraiya so that gave them some time, and after that they would have very little time to do anything before each Jinchuuriki was wiped out. Naruto hoped the Buijuu have talked to their Jinchuuriki's about this.

'Kurama?' Naruto called.

'Kurama!' Naruto called louder when he didn't get a reply.

"What?!" Kurama yelled back now awake.

'Do you think the others told their Jinchuuriki's?' Naruto asked.

"Why would I know?" Kurama asked him, though he himself was curious too.

'You know them better then me!' Naruto said.

"I guess that's true." Kurama said before going back to sleep, he had a feeling something good was going to happen to Naruto and he knew Naruto had been pushing his feelings down.

"Great. That was helpful." Naruto muttered. A knock on the door interrupted Naruto from yelling at Kurama.

Naruto went and opened the door and was shocked at who he saw. It was Shikamaru, who pushed passed Naruto into the apartment.

"What... What are you doing here?" Naruto asked confused.

"Please tell me you know who I am." Shikamaru looked at Naruto from where he was now standing in the living room.

"You're Shikamaru." Naruto said, though he was now slightly hopeful.

"You know what I mean." Shikamaru said.

"You got them back." Naruto said as his eyes widened.

"Naru?" Shikamaru asked, he needed to be sure this was his Naruto.

"Shika!" Naruto said before Shikamaru pulled him into a hug, that was all it took for Naruto to finally break down. He had pushed his feelings aside completely ignoring what he felt when he saw everyone alive once again. This was only thanks to Kurama. Sure he cried when he thought Hiruzen was going to die, but Shikamaru-his Shikamaru-being back and holding him finally aloud him to cry all he wanted. It wasn't until a 15 minutes later that they moved away from the hug, both Naruto and Shikamaru had tears on their faces.

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