Chapter 9

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(The next day with Kakashi)

Kakashi was doing what he normally does, reading his book while walking around the Village, when he suddenly stopped.

'That would explain why Naruto was hesitant to work with Sakura.' Kakashi thought. 'I wonder who else is here.' He shrugged.

"That's why I was covered in paint!" Kakashi yelled out loud getting strange looks from everyone around him.

Kakashi Shunshined to the Hokage's office knowing that if anyone knew what was going on it would be her.

"Naruto isn't here, he's with Shikamaru." Tsunade said not looking up as he appeared in her office.

"How did you know I was looking for him?" Kakashi asked.

"You're not the first one to come here and ask, and I'm sure you won't be the last." Tsunade said still not looking at Kakashi. "He'll be here in an hour."

"I'll wait." Kakashi said going to sit on the couch in the office.

"Baa-Chan." Naruto said as he jumped through the open window. Naruto looked at Kakashi who was now standing up. "Another one?"

"Yup." Tsunade said finally looking up from her paperwork.

"Long story or short?" Naruto asked Kakashi.

"Short." Kakashi told him.

"They killed everyone except me, so Kurama sent me back to save the future. And along the way Shikamaru, Gaara, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Zabuza, Haku, you have gotten their memories back." Naruto told him. "We don't know if anyone else is back as well."

"That's a lot." Kakashi said.

"We know." Tsunade said.

"How long have you been back?" Kakashi asked.

"Since about a week before the Genin exams." Naruto grinned.

"That explains your reluctance to work with Sakura." Kakashi said. "And keep those Seals away from me."

"No promises." Naruto said.

"Is Asuma going to die again?" Kakashi asked before Naruto left.

"Not this time." Naruto said before he left.

"I have no chance to avoid the Seals, do I?" Kakashi asked Tsunade.

"Nope." Tsunade said.

(Timeskip 6 months with Naruto)

Naruto knocked on the door to the Nara compound.

"Shikamaru isn't here, though I'm sure you know that." Shikaku said after he opened the door to see Naruto, he wasn't surprised when he found Naruto at the door, he had gotten used to Naruto randomly appearing to hang out with Shikamaru. He also knew that Naruto knew Shikamaru wasn't at the compound currently.

"I'm not here for Shika. I wanted to talk to you." Naruto told him. Shikaku opened the door wider to let Naruto into the house, and they walked to the living room and sat down.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, Naruto?" Shikaku asked.

"I...I wanted to ask if I could have Shikamaru's hand in marriage." Naruto said hoping Shikaku would say yes. After a few minutes of silence Naruto thought Shikaku would say no, but then Shikaku spoke up.

"I've never seen Shikamaru as happy as he is with you. Yes, you have my blessing." Shikaku told Naruto.

"Thank you!" Naruto grinned. After a few more minutes Naruto left to go plan.

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