After School Part 1

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The bell rang for the end of school~

“Ah…sorry I have to go Jung-Ha!!” Ayuhana said bowing respectfully, “I have Japanese lessons after school.” She took her bag off of the floor placing it on her back.

Jung-Ha jumped off of the bed almost immediately, “Japanese lessons? Who with?”

“Oh…umm…I asked my English teacher to tutor me in Japanese since I was struggling with my other classes.”

“What, really? Why? I could’ve helped you, and so could’ve Hamu. I mean what’s the point of having a Japanese ‘friend’ if he can’t help you?!?!” he said hysterically.

“This way is so much more convenient for me and like you said, Hamu seems stuck up so I wouldn’t dream of asking for his help.” She said heading towards the door. “Anyways I better go. Don’t bother waiting up since I don’t know how long it will take. Bye!” she said smiling, leaving the nurse’s office.

Ayuhana made her way to the staffroom hoping she wasn’t late, but when she arrived and peeped inside, Yahike-Sensei wasn’t among the other teachers. She leaned back against the wall outside of the staffroom closing her eyes. Seconds later she felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She opened her eyes to see Yahike-Sensei standing in front of her.

“Did you wait long?” he said adjusting his glasses.

“Not at all,” she replied shaking her head.

“I have to go in the staff room and get a few things. Do you know where the study hall is?” he asked her.

“Umm…I’m sure I can find it.” She said completely clueless. “Which building is it in by the way?”

“It’s in the same building as the cafeteria,” he told her.

“Ah…okay,” she said, “I’ll meet you there then.”

Ayuhana left the building slowly walking towards where the cafeteria was. When she had looked out of the class room at lunch she saw many kids running in the direction of the building in front of her. So it must’ve been the cafeteria! She pushed open the doors walking inside. The cafeteria must’ve been as big as the play park by her house back in Florida. She looked at the many empty desks and chairs walking around them. She walked towards the long hallway and eventually found a room with a door opened. The school seemed quite empty, but this classroom was filled with many students, mostly the nerdy types. She knocked on the door slowly walking into the classroom.

“Hello,” she said bowing.

A few of the students looked up but no one replied, not that she expected them to.

She looked for an empty seat and to her disadvantage, there were none. She stood up at the front of the class by the window looking outside. The air-conditioning was super cold. If she had known, she probably would’ve brought her sweater. She blew hot air out of her mouth onto the window and drew a face. It looked exactly like Hamu when Jung-Ha picked him up. She began laughing which awarded her with the deadly stares of the studious students. She bowed quickly apologizing before turning back to the window wondering what Hamu and Jung-Ha were doing. And what about earlier? Is it possible Jung-Ha likes her? She tried to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Che…if only she thought. She grinned to herself. Hmm… maybe she could ask Jung-Ha to help her with her Korean. That would be nice she thought.


Ayuhana turned around to see Yahike-Sensei standing at the door. “Ah…Yahike-Sensei!” she exclaimed going over to him.

“Borrow a chair from the cafeteria and bring it so that we can start.” He said sitting at the teacher’s desk at the front of the study hall.

“Okay!” she said dropping her bag next to the desk and going to get a chair from the cafeteria.

As Ayuhana walked through the hallway she heard the cries of a girl. She peeped around the corner to see a girl standing in front of a guy. Did she confess to him? Did he reject her? Did they break up? Almost too sudden, the girl’s tears turned into laughter, a really creepy laugh. The girl began shouting at the boy and then out of the blue she punched him in the face.

Was this actually happening? Ayuhana was totally shocked. But like that wasn’t enough she repeatedly beat up on him. Ayuhana moved in thoughtlessly, “What are you doing!” she shouted at the girl trying to get her off the guy.

“What am I doing?!? Who are you to butt in!!!” the girl shouted at her.

Only then did Ayuhana realize who that girl was. She was the one who kicked the guy over with the desk this morning. Che…so violent Ayuhana thought and super scary!

Her diversion earned the guy enough time to run away. That’s great she thought but what was she to do now? That girl was yelling at her and she had no idea what she was saying. How ideal!

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