First Flight AlonePart 2

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Ayuhana stared into the empty paper cup. "I'm still kinda cold..." she muttered.

"Hi!!" she heard someone say. She looked to see the guy in the passage seat, leaning across the guy in the middle, outstretching his hand towards her. "What's your name?" he asked, his hazel eyes fixated on hers.

"It's Ayuhana," she said shaking his hand.

"I'm Jung-Ha!" he said shaking back, "And this is Hamu.So what brings you to Japan?" he asked her.

"Isn't your name Korean?" she asked him, completely ignoring his question.

"Huh? Ahaha...yea, it is." he adjusted the band that tied his redish-purple hair back. "Very preceptive of you!" he began to speak. "Well my mum's Korean and my dad is American. A few years ago they split and my dad went back to Florida leaving me and my mum in Korea. I visit him at least once a year since he pays for the trip." He grinned broadly.

"So how do you know him?" Ayuhana said looking at Hamu.

"Ah, him? His mum and my mum are friends from college, and every once in a while he comes to Korea with his familyto stay with me and my mum. This is my frst time coming to Japan though." He smiled. "I  have six months to practice my Japanese and have a first hand experience of the culture. What about you? What brings you to Japan?" he asked again.

Ayuhana looked down at her hands. She could not believe how casual she was speaking with this guy, a total stranger....kind of. She learned so much about him in these last few minutes,so much more than she knew about her 'friends' back home. It was strange, but he was just so friendly, and in a contagious way.

"Well I've always wanted to live in Japan, but my parents told my there's no way I would survive on my own there since I'm still sixteen. However my school had an exchange student programme with one of the highschools in Japan and I was chosen." She found it so easy to talk to him. "I actually found a family to stay with and it's cheaper than staying in an apartment. Plus it's like an awawy from home family." she smiled pulling the hoodie around her. " Plus I also want to improve on my Japanese. The family is suppsed to be waiting for me at the airport."

"Hey Hamu, didn't your mum say that there would be another highschool student besides me?" Jung-Ha said very quickly in Japanese, so quickly that Ayuhana did not pick up on anything. "Ah, could this be fate?" he said to the still very confused Ayuhana.

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