The First Few Hours(School)

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A/N: All English will now be in Italics. Tell me what you think! I hope you still enjoy~ ^-^/

                                                     - - - Three Days Later- - -

"Goodbye!!" Jung-Ha shouted, running through the front door, Ayuhana's hand in his.

Today was their first day of school and she was completely nervous. "My heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest." she said aloud.

"Don't worry kawaii Ayu-chi!!" he said placing his arm around her shoulder.

She felt absolutely embarrassed for no reason. "Umm...where's Hamu?" she asked. "I have no idea where school is, unless you do?"

"Ehh..." Jung-Ha's cheeks became a bright red, "No...I don't." He paused looking back to see Hamu now leaving the house. "YAA!!!!" he yelled at Hamu.

Hamu looked up to see them in the distance and slowly began walking towards them. "Sorry...School's this way." he said walking in the direction of the bus-stop.

                                                   - - - At school (Staff-room) - - -

"Tamiko-Sensei, these are the two foreign boarders staying with my family that my mum told you about." Hamu said diligently. "Their Japanese is also very limited."

These were the most words Ayuhana had ever heard him say at once, except for the time on the plane. The teacher got up from her seat looking at both her and Jung-Ha. She toughed his reddish-purple hair before speaking to Hamu. Seconds later Hamu left with Jung-Ha, leaving Ayuhana behind with the teacher.

The teacher bent down to Ayuhana's level, "I'm your homeroom teacher Tamiko. Follow me Horuda-san." She said walking into the corridors.

Ayuhana could not help but giggle as she followed Tamiko-sensei. That was the funniest English accent she ever heard! Tamiko-sensei stopped in front of a class and pulled open the door. She entered the class Ayuhana following close behind. As the Tamiko-sensei tried to get the class quiet, Ayuhana took this opportunity to get an idea of what her classmates were like. And as she though, they weren't anything at all like the Japanese in dramas...what a letdown. She sighed aloud. It was exactly like her class in Florida. Pretty girls in the back of the class reading fashion magazines and applying lip gloss, nerds at the front looking diligent, and guys in the middle of the class throwing a ball at each other, but this was strange. Ayuhana spotted a girl fast asleep in the midst of these guys' game of ball, and almost like in anime, when one of the boys threw the ball, the one to receive accidentally dropped it and fell in slow motion before hitting the girl flat in the face. The girl rose like an angry bear kicking over the desk she was lying on, knocking over the guy that missed the ball. The entire class went silent and that's when they all noticed her and the teacher at the front of the class.

"Good morning students!!" Tamiko-sensei said cheerfully, "We have a foreign student which will be joining our class for the next few months. She's also American."

The teacher's last statement caused a lot of students to begin talking. She stopped talking and told Ayuhana to introduce herself.

Ayuhana felt a huge bulge form in her throat, finding I hard to speak. Her heart was racing like crazy and her hands began sweating, so she placed them in her pocket clearing her throat. "My name is Horuda Ayuhana-desu. Please take care of me!" she bowed. Her voice was shaky and everyone's eyes remained on her.

One of the students asked the teacher a question which caused the entire class to laugh. Unfortunately, Ayuhana had no idea what it was and automatically believed it was directed towards her. Tamiko-sensei shouted and the entire class went silent. Despite this, Ayuhana still felt a familiar burning sensation in her eyes and tried to brush it off by blinking frequently. 

"Yamatatsu-san!" the teacher said.

"Hai!" One of the nerdy guys in the front of the class stood up.

"Help Horuda-san with anything she may not understand in class. Think of it as a form of extra credit." she bribed.

"Hai Tamiko-sensei!"he said taking his seat.

Tamiko-sensei then turned o Ayuhana. "Please take any free seat." she said smiling.

"Okay..." Ayuhana said looking for a seat. Where was she supposed to sit? She didn't want to be anywhere near those preppy girls or the nerds, or those guys. She sighed to herself walking to the back of the class. There was a free window seat second row from the back. She walked towards it rest her bag on the table. At least looking outside would probably take her mind off this nightmare.

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