After School Part 2

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 “What is your name?” the girl asked her.

 “Ehh??” what was she to do? Should she tell this girl her name? Despite them being in the same class she didn’t even remember her. Che…how typical.

“Are you stupid or something? Oh yea…” what was it this violent girl remembered, “Whaat is yaur nayme?” 

Ayuhana laughed at her English despite being upset that she called her stupid. 

“I’m not stupid!!!! I only know a bit of Japanese, baaaaka!!” she yelled at the girl.

The girl was absolutely dumb-founded. “Oh really?” she said in English. “Well nice to meet you! My name is Rinoa Kurosaki. You owe me!” the girl said leaving.

 Owe??? Owe what? Was this girl absolutely insane? As if that would ever happen! Ayuhana took up a chair and walked back to the study hall. When she entered, a group of girls had surrounded Yahike-sensei’s desk. “Che…hormonal teenager girls,” she mumbled to herself .In her opinion Yahike-Sensei wasn’t that good-looking, just average. She pulled her chair around the desk making sure it scraped on the floor making a loud noise. All of the girls turned in her direction annoyed. Ayuhana put on her sweetest smile looking at them.

 “Yahike-Sensei!!” she said with the cutest Japanese impression. “Please help me with this!”

“Ah…Horuda-san,” he said making room for her. “I’m sorry everyone!”

Ayuhana took one of her books and placed them on the table. It was a literature book she had to read for her future exams. 

“Yahike-sensei I don’t understand.” She said pointing to the highlighted paragraph in her book.

“Oh that’s easy.” He said, “This simply means that…and therefore you can conclude that…do you get it?”

“Oh I get it now!” she said happily.

“Uwahhhh! Yahike-Sensei is so cool!!” The surrounding girls said.

A little over an hour passed and most of the students had already left the study hall including the annoying girls. Not only this but Ayuhana was becoming tired and the teacher noticed.

“Horuda-san lets continue this tomorrow. I have to get home to my family. See you tomorrow!” he said leaving.

“Ah…Bye Sensei!” she said waving.

 Ayuhana inhaled deeply and exhaled aloud. She was so tired. What a stressful day. She wondered if she could even remember the way back. Then again all she had to do was catch a bus. But did buses run this late? She sighed aloud. She didn’t want to think about this now. She packed her books away in her bag and slowly walked the chair back to the cafeteria. It was becoming quite dark on the outside. And she had far to go. 

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