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Summary : just after aou. Wanda is bold to everyone. She's grieving but doesn't want to show. You on the other hand does notice but gets pushed away.

Y/n's pov

It's been 2 months since Wanda joined the team. Even though she makes it clear she wants to be alone all the time, I still enjoy her presence.
I get it tho, her brother died and sokovia doesn't exist anymore. That must have been hard for her... Or still is.

I've been an avenger for a while now.
Once they knew about my abilities they wanted me to join the team.
Not long after I found my place here and began seeing it as my home. I hope some day Wanda can too.
It's Monday morning now and gosh do I hate Mondays. But I have training with Wanda in exactly 20 minutes.
U see most of the avenger are kinda scared of here so they don't really train with the Maximoff twin. I volunteered to be her trainer, since my powers are more powerful then hers. I'm the master of the 4 elements, so I could easily bloodbend her so she would be in no position of overpowering me. But that was not the only reason of course...

I was actually mad at Steve and the others when no one wanted to train with her. I felt so bad, she just lost her brother and then she had to deal with assholes who were scared of her powers.

I walk thru the doors and see a familiar brunette punching the punching bag. She seems a bit frustrated but that doesn't stop me from talking to her.
' goodmorning Wanda.' she looks at me with black circles under her eyes.
' morning y/n'
' Did you get some sleep because you seem tired.'
' I' m fine. ' she said making it clear she doesn't want to be bothered.

After an hour of warming up I call her in to the ring.' No powers. It's only a hand to hand combat for today. You need to learn how to fight without your powers, you never know when you'll need it.'
She nods in agreement and takes her fighting pose.

A few minutes go by of simple sparring but then I started making it harder for her. She isn't that good in fighting because she always relies on her powers. Throwing in surprise punches she could barely avoid, but just before it could touch her I pull back. ' you know it's supposed to be real training.'
' what do you mean by that.' I ask
' you're holding back, don't do that.'
' well if I don't I could hurt you.'
' so what, isn't that the whole point of training??'

She was too distracted by talking to me so the green eyed girl didn't see my surprise attack coming.
I tackled her to the ground and pinned her hands next to her head so she was in no position to move.
' Instead of focusing why I'm holding back you should focus on not getting your ass whooped.'

She tried to get under my grip but of course she failed. ' Can't do much without your powers darling?'
With that sentence she slightly tilts her head and those beautiful green eyes turned red. With one sway of her hand she got me off her. She did use her powers tho. I get yeeted acrros the room but land in a safe way. Not gonna lie it hurts.

' you see I didn't ask for these powers,
Or your help. So you can stop pretending to care about me.''
She gets out of the ring and goes god knows where. Maybe I went to far, but I didn't mean it like that. And I'm most certainly not pretending to care about her. If only she knew...

Time skip

We are all set for dinner, Wanda takes her usual place facing me. She looks at me for a second before looking at all the places I'm not. ' how did training go today guys.' the billionaire asks. I don't even notice him because my food is way more distracting.
'helooow earth to y/n.' he anoyingly snaps his fingers in front of my face.

' huh. I' m sorry what did you say?'
' well I asked you and Wanda about your training but she didn't answer and so did you. '
' uh it went different today-'
I get cut of by the voice of the women across me.' why asking?' her thick sokovian accent coming thru
' easy there witchy, I was just asking.'
I hate when he calls her that.

' it's Wanda not witchy, tin man. '
Everyone laughs a bit. There's even a small smile on Wanda's lips, her lips look so soft... Jezus stop staring at them y/n. The rest was loudly talking and laughing during dinner except me and Wanda. So I took this opportunity to make sure we're cool.

' hey so about this morning, I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to opset you or anything-' and again I was cut of.
' why do you always have to talk to me.'
' huh.. What do you mean, I don't understand...'
' always making sure that I'm okay and alwaysss trying so hard to have a conversation with me. Just stop already.'
Not gonna lie. It hurts hearing these words coming out of her mouth.
' well I'll stop if that's what you want.'
I get up from my seat and leave the room.

I head straight to bed and lay down. Accidentally I fall asleep and wake up at 2 in the morning. I heard soft cries coming from the room next to mine. That was Wanda's room, she never really let's anyone in accept Nat sometimes. I'm not sure if I should check on her.. Wanda made it pretty clear that she doesn't want me to check on her but stil. On my tip toes I leave the my room and head to the one next door. The cries only got louder, so I opened the door slowly
' Wanda?' I whispered.
I could see her small figure on her bed sobbing. But she wasn't awake. Nighmares?

I went over to her and quietly sat down on her bed. ' Wanda wake up.'
I slightly shake her shoulders, but in a gentle way. She opens her eyes. They are puffed and red. I want to comfort her so bad but I can't. Once she realizes it's me she sits up in her bed and quickly dries her tears. ' y/n ?'
' Yea it's me, I know you said you wanted me to leave you alone earlier but I heard you crying and I just wanted to make-...' she cuts me off with a hug I totally did not expect.

Her arms wrapped around my neck and her face tucked in the crook of my neck. After a few seconds she still didn't let go of me so I placed my hands around her waist hugging her back. I start hearing sobs from her.
We just sat there for a few minutes in the same position until she stopped crying and pulled back. Looking me straight in the eyes ' I'm sorry for what I said y/n, I didn't mean any of that. I'm just not used to people caring for me.'
' hey it's okay. I get it Wanda I really do, just know that I'm here for you.'
' I know, I woke you up didn't I?'
'uh kind of. But I don't mind.'
' Yea sorry about that too.'
' don't say that, you wanna talk about your nightmare?'
She takes my hand and smiles at me, gosh did she have the cutest smile in the universe. ' I sometimes dream about the whole thing in sokovia.. Pietro dying all over again. ' tears begin forming in her eyes.' it's okay Wanda. It's all over now, look at you you're an avenger. I'm sure pietro would be so proud of you.'
' thank you for saying that y/n'

This time I pull her in a hug. ' you should go get some sleep Wanda, so should I.'
' you should.'
'Goodnight Wanda'
' night y/n.'
I get up and head to the door before even touching the handle I hear her voice again. ' could you maybe.. Stay here with me tonight?'
I turned to face this cute sokovian.
' yeah of course.'

She moves a bit making place for me. Holding up the covers I crawl in.
My dumbass thought we'd just lay next to each other but no...
The second I lay down she throws her leg on me and her left arm slides around my neck while the other one rests on my chest. At first I was a little shocked at the sudden interaction but soon I place my right arm around her waist while the other one is placed on her thigh.

' comfortable?'
' very much.' she giggles.
Kissing her forehead I say goodnight.
And for the first time in a while Wanda has a good night sleep in your arms.

First one shot hehe, hope yall like it.
Comment what you want me to write next.

1520 words.

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