I'll Sleep On The Ground P.2

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An: sorry this part took so long, I wasn't home so it was a little difficult to write.

Summary: still enemies.... Or maybe not. You 2 get the job done but there are still 4 days left......


The two avengers leave their little save house and make their way to the beach. Wanda has this red bikini on with a dress over it. And y/n a swim short with a black t-shirt.

' we don't actually have to swim, right?' the y/hc asks. ' no, but it would still be nice tho. Why do you ask?'
' nothing, just asking.'
The rest of the ride went silent.

As they pull up at the beach they see it's kind of crowded for a private beach. Lots of people getting into pools and ordering drinks at the bar.
' let's go sit over there. ' Wanda points to the loungers next to the pool.

There's only one left so Wanda speeds over there and sits on it. ' wauwww, really.'. She starts giggling at the poor face expression of y/n.
' what, you weren't fast enough.'
' whatever.' you then just sit next to her on the floor. Leaning your head to the side of it. ' so we're just supposed to observe a bit?'
' Yea basically, so don't fall asleep y/n.'

The sokovian takes of her dress before sitting down. She layes herself down on the chair. Her smooth skin exposed to the sun. Most men started staring at her now, and even though you don't like to admit it. Y/n is getting a bit jealous.' I'm getting a drink.' you stand up and look down at her, seeing she was already looking at you.

' you want anything?' you ask.
' a cocktail please.' she replies with an added smile. Your eyes quickly scan over her body and stop at her boobs for one second before walking off.

Wanda's pov

After he's gone, I lay my head back and close my eyes to relax a little.

'What's a sexy woman like you doing here all by herself huh.'
I open my eyes only to meet a very ugly looking guy hitting on me. He's mid 30 and has a beard. ' who says I'm here by myself?'
' well ofcourse now that I'm here, you're not by yourself anymore. ' he winks and just has the audacity to sit next to my legs on the chair.

' so how about we have a drink babygirl.' before I could even start talking, a cocktail is shoved in front of my face.' here's your drink babe. '
I take the glass in my hand and look up to see y/n now standing next to me.
' what are you doing here? Is this guy bothering you? ' he then asks me.

' I was just having a nice talk to this lovely lady over here, until you came in and ruined it. '
Y/n takes a step closer to the ugly guy. Is hand angrily in fist.
' well that lovely lady is my wife. So you can take your ugly ass and get tf out of here.'
' oh... Uh.. I didn-.. '
' no words left huh? ' he then stumbled out of our space and goes back to his own chair.

' well that was a scene.' I say while he sits on the former place of the guy.
' hmmh, what did he want from you? '
Why does y/n even want to know that.
It probably has to do with the mission.
' he just asked me to go have drink with him.' and there, just for a split second I think I could see a glimpse of jealousy crossing his face.

' hmmh, that's embarrassing. '
' yeah it is.' I agree with him. Because it was indeed embarrassing.

The day went by and we spotted our target. He's this typical maffia guy. But the more ugly looking version.
Tomorrow y/n and I will go to his house in the evening and have dinner with him and his wife.


After eating some delicious pasta, we make it back home. It's nighttime so we'll go straight to bed.

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