New Professor (teacher's Pet)

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Summary: your old Russian teacher is replaced by a new hot one. Lucky for you it's permanent.

Y/n = g!p
She's also 19 years old, and Wanda is 24 in this one.

Your pov

Beeep! beeep! beeep!
I groan as I open my eyes. Annoyed by the sound I aggressively hit my alarm button so it stops.
Looking to my right I see my roommate still sleeping. She didn't start class till noon. Shit shit shit, I'm late for class. Me and a few others took Russian classes. It was a hard one but that's why there aren't that many students for that subject. And since our old teacher retired we didn't have it for a week. So yes I forgot that we have class today.

After putting some clothes on I take my book and run to the classroom.
Lucky I wasn't the only one who forgot about it so when I entered the class only the nerds were there. I closed the door behind me and because of the rush I didn't see the women standing in front of class.
' wel goodmorning to the other half of this class.' the voice was pleasend and soft in a way I can't explain.

After I sit down still not noticing what is happening around me, I felt a precents of someone standing in front of my table. ' here's the first assignment. ' she places the paper under my nose. I finally snap out of my rush from this morning and look up at her.

I got lost in her eyes the moment they locked. Her lips are full and seem very soft. She is hands down the most beautiful woman I've ever seen walking on planet earth. ' I uh thank you miss?'
' Wanda Maximoff.. I mean it's miss Maximoff.' she blushes.

To be honest I didn't pay any attention today. I mean I did pay attention to her tho. The way she moves her hands when explaining things. She had this blouse on that revealed a lot of cleavage. I looked... RESPECTFULLY. She looks pretty young so it's not that impossible...
At the end of the lesson she hands out our last test results. And mine isn't so great. That old lady didn't teach us the right way so it's not completely my fault.

As I walk out of the door I hear her calling me. ' wait, you there with the black shirt.' yep that is me. I have a black shirt on today, I faced her with a confused look. ' sorry I don't know your name so I had to improvise.'
All the student are gone now. ' Yea no that was a smart move hehe. My name is y/n by the way. '
' right well y/n it would be nice if you could come over here.' she points at her desk. ' sure.'

' I know that this is my first day but I see here that your last test was a bummer. How come? '
' Yea I know. It was a difficult one and the former teacher didn't really go over it even though I asked her to explain it again.'
' what a bitc- I mean uhm that's not so nice of her, but I'm here now so I was thinking that it would be good for you to come her every Wednesday morning and Friday night for the next 2 weeks. '
She looks at me and goes on.' and I know that Friday night isnt' a good time to study but that's the only time I am free. '

' no no it's great really. I'm happy you even want to tutor me.'
' yeah no problem y/n. '
' I'll be going to my next class then, bye miss Maximoff. '
' bye y/n'

Wanda's pov

I watched her walk out of my class before I could breath out again. She had the most beautiful eyes, lord have mercy. The moment she looked up to me I almost couldn't take them off her. I know it's wrong, I mean she is my strudent after all. It was cute that she thought I didn't notice her staring at my boobs the intire time.

The day went slow. And Tuesday went even slower.

It's Wednesday morning and I have my first class at 10 o'clock but I still had to wake up early because I am about to meet my hot student. I mean a student that really needs my tutoring.

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