New Professor (final Part)

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Just enjoy :)

Y/n's pov

I drive as fast as I can to my apartment, the moment we get to the door I push her gently inside and close the door. Her hands move my body around and she traps me between her and the door.

' oh I've been wanting this for so long y/n.' she whispered seductively with her doe eyes. As if she's so innocent.
But I can't take it anymore, my longing for her is tearing me apart.

We passionately make out while we explore each others mouth. I don't even need to breath as long as I can have her. But there's more, I need to be inside her.

I push her off of me in a playful way and we quickly get rid of our clothes.
I start backing her up against the bed and she falls on to it and crawls back. Her naked body is driving me insane, I just want to please her for eternity.

She grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me down on top of her.
' I only want you y/n, you know my body so well and what it needs... I need you.' she whispers to me while I'm kissing her neck.

I make my way down to her wet pussy, softly spreading her legs putting them on my back so I have full access to her.

While holding deep eye contact I connect my mouth directly to her clit. She let's out a big moan while her fingers tangle in my hair. I start eating her out as if it's my last meal.

' you taste so fucking good.' I mumble, sending vibrations to her core.

I start thrusting my tong very deep in her pussy while my right arm goes around her leg and with my thumb I rub her clit. I use my free hand to knead her boobs.

She's a moaning mess right now and I love it.

' oh fuck y/n I'm close please keep going!!!' this time she wasn't whispering but dead ass screaming.

Her wish is my command and I continue doing so until with a loud scream of my name she cums.

I ride her orgasm out slowly. Then with one last lick I taste her juices.

' come here.. Ah I'm still sensitive.' she grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss.

After a few moments she tells me to stand up by the end of the bed. Once I'm there she starts crawling toward me with an arched back on all fours.

My knees where touching the bed and my dick was so fucking hard. She finally grabbed it with her hand which made me whimper.

' you want me to take care of this?'
She asks while looking at me with those eyes... You know which eyes I'm talking about.

I nod quickly, and so she starting kissing my tip. Slowly taking in a little by little. After a few minutes she's taking all of it in her mouth which was pretty impressive. I can feel my high coming

' hmmh fuck wanda I'm about to cum.'

' it's okay baby just put it in my mouth.' she says with her sexy voice.
That was all I needed to finally give in. She swallowed it all, there was some dripping from the corner of her mouth.

' oop forgot this little bit. ' she says while wiping it with her thumb and lucking it off.

I smile and take her chin between my thumb and index finger. Bringing her up to me so I can kiss her.

' I love fucking your brains out Wanda.' I tell her while choking her a little.

She laughs then suddenly puts her hand around my neck pulling close.
' no, I love fucking you y/n.'

We both laugh a little before I push her on the bed. Her tits bouncing.

'spread.' I demand

I grab her legs and adjust her to be right in front of me. Her pussy was still wet from before so I take my dick and start rubbing my tip against her folds, teasing her a little.

' fuck y/n just put it in please!' she moans

I start thrusting in her little by little makings sure to not hurt her. When I'm finally all in we both moan at the sensation.

As I thrust in and out of her she grabs the sheets intensely because of the pressure building up inside of her. After a few minutes we can both feel it coming so I put pressure on her lower stomach which makes her whimper and moan even more

'ahhh fuck y/n keep going I'm almost there'
' oh shit me too ' we look at each other intensely. ' come inside of me it's okay' she suddenly says. We both reach our high and it feels so fucking amazing, even better than before.

After we calm down a bit I pull it out and you could see my cum dropping from her wet cunt.

She pulls me in for a kiss and honestly I feel like this is my one and only woman for the rest of my life. I just hope she felt it too.

Now the most important part people AFTER CARE.

I go to bathroom and take a wet towel back to her so she can clean up. And so do I, after that I didn't know what was going to happen.

' can I stay here tonight with you?' she asks.
I nod ' ofcourse, we can watch some movies if u want.'

' yeah I'd like that, but first can I have something to wear?' she giggles . I then realize we're bothe still fully naked lol.

I grap an oversized t-shirt and some sweatpants.
Handing the shirt over to her and the sweatpants are for me to wear.

I sit down besides her in my bed after I went to grab some snacks from my kitchen.

She grabs my chin ' you know y/n this time it really wasn't a mistake. I do in fact like you...maybe even love you, and I want to stick around and see where .. goes.'

Honestly I didn't know what to say so I just kissed her.


1063 Words

This is it Yall , I'm working full-time now so I don't know when the next chapters will come .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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