New Professor P.2

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!Smut warning hehe!

First of all sorry guys for not uploading any stories, I've been very busy with school. this is my first time writing smut, I already apologize if it's bad...

Summary: let's just say y/n and her professor spend some quality time.

Your pov

' I uh...'
I look away from her so she won't notice me blushing. How can I answer that question.

She grabs my face with her right hand so I'm forced to look at her.

' It's cute you think I didn't notice.'
And I don't know why but I kept playing dumb.
' notice what? '

She raises her eyebrow.
' oh, are we gonna pretend you didn't stare at my boobs?'

I am very taken back by her words, didn't expect her to call me out like that.

' well I didn't stare stare, just a little glance that's all.' I admit.

She comes impossibly closer to me and our faces are only a few inches away from each other. Her eyes focused on my lips.

' I don't mind y/n..'
The next thing I feel are her lips on mine.
They are soft and sweet.
The feeling is wholesome, but reality hits me. So I break the kiss.

She gives me a puzzled look.
' I.. Have to tell you someth-...'
She places her index finger on my lips
' shhhh, I know you have a dick y/n. You're terrible at hiding it.' she giggles.

Before I could say anything else she
Connects our lips once again. But this time with more lust. She moves to straddle me and cups my face to deepen the kiss. I lick her bottom lip asking for entrence which she immediately granted me.
My hands have a mind of their own and found her perfect round ass.

My tongue explores every inch of her mouth as she does the same.
And here I find myself having a hot make out session with my professor....

' fuhhck.' she moans in my mouth.
I'm hard af right now, she notices and slowly starts grinding on me. Which makes me only harder then before.

I get up from my couch while still holding Wanda by her ass. She wraps her legs around my waist. We're still making out as I make my way to my bedroom.

After I close the door with a kick Wanda gets off of me and to my surprise pushes me on the bed to sit down. Next thing she does is getting on her knees. Unbuckeling my belt.

But I take her chin in between my thumb and index finger and lift her up from the ground.

' I wanna please you first.'
She gets up completely flustered and crashes our lips together in a heated kiss.

She sits on my lap with her legs on each side of mine. I tugg at her shirt giving her a look, asking for permission. She nods and I don't waste a second taking it off. Revealing her red lace bra, her breasts almost spilling out of it.

I quickly take off my own shirt and flip us over so I'm hovering over her.
I hook my fingers around her pants and take them of. She has a matching pair of panties on.

I crawl in between her legs and give her a slopy kiss before planting my lips on her neck. I kiss and suck on her smooth skin, earning moans from her.

Leaving a trail of love bites and hickeys along her neck and collarbone. Making her moan softly.
I start kissing down her abdomen making my way to her heated place.

Her hands roam over my naked back, making me shiver at the warm contact. I help her sit up so I can take off her bra.

But she takes it off herself and throws it God knows where. And there they are...

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