I'll Sleep On The Ground

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Summary: you and Wanda pretend hating each other. The avengers sends them on a mission.

Y/n is male but you can change that if you want.

Wanda's pov

First time meeting y/n wasn't much fun, considering the circumstances.
We were fighting robot's that ultron made. It was just before our big fight. They called him in last minute, he was their '' secret weapon ''. Later I found out he's Tony's brother and that's when I started disliking him even tho he didn't kill my parents.

But that was nothing compared to what was about to happen. U see y/n's powers are mastering the 4 elements. He's the most powerful amongst us all but yet he failed saving my brother. Why you may ask, well he was to busy flirting with me.

I mean yess he did save me from those robot's but yet I blamed him for my brother's death. At the moment I did because I had nothing else to do but with time I realized he couldn't do anything about it. But it was too late, we already had developed a grudge between us. And I was too stubborn to say sorry so I just played along.

We are having dinner now and Steve and Nat took the places I normally sit in on purpose leaving me to the only chair left which is the one facing y/n.
Cursing the 2 under my breath made my presence clear to him. He looked up from his plate to me. Even though our little hate for each other, I can't help but get lost in those beautiful y/ec eyes.

I take my seat and send everyone death glares, because they know I 'hate' being near him. The tension is so tight right now but of course the god of thunder always knows a way to breaking it. ' so lady Maximoff, are you excited for your mission.'
He looks at the rest of them and winks. ' mission?'
Tony slaps his forehead in disappointment. ' Thor we' ve literally just talked about this. They don't know it yet. '
' they? ' I ask in a surprised tone.
The billionaire takes a sip of water before speaking.' uhm so basically Fury gave us a new mission. Well not us....you and my brother.'

Now y/n is looking up too.' What?! '
He asks.' it's only a week. '
' Only a week??? Who thought this was a good idea, we can't stand each other.' I say out loud. ' Yea we can't. '
Y/n backs me up.' see already one thing both of you can agree on, cmon it'll be fine. Be professional. '
' fine whatever, just send me the report okay. '
' sure do witchy.'
I say threathing.

Your pov

Please lord help me. The mission begins today. We leave in 2 hours to Italy. The mission is to become friends with a mafia boss and steal his flash drive he has in his house. Me and Wanda are less populaire which means we mostly get the undercover missions. But we never do them together. This time we have to stay a week long, and we have to pretend being a couple.

I swear if Steve or Nat are behind this they're dead. Ever since Wanda made it clear she hates me they have been trying to get us talk to each other.
As if it's a game to them. After her brothers death SHE pushed me away when I tried comforting her, she even told me that if I wasn't too busy with other stuff I would have been able to save him. Therefore she blames me for his death.

Time skip

I've packed all my stuff now. We're staying in a safe house in the middle of nowhere. So it's really just me and her 24/7 which makes it only worse.
Making my way to the plane I wave some of them goodbye. ' hey.' Wanda says when I walk on board. I ignore her and tell the pilot it's time to leave now that I have arrived. I get back and take a seat, away from Wanda.

' you know, if we are going to have to work with each other, we should go over the plan one more time' the sokovian says. ' fine'. I stand up from my place and make my way to the one facing hers. ' so tomorrow we're just observing at the beach. Steve said he would be there.' I simply just nod in response. ' anyway, in 2 days we'll meet him at his house. We're a couple that wants to buy one of his............'

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