New Professor P.3

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An: damn it's been a long while, a whole year has gone by. And for the ones that were waiting I'm sorry it took me this long. Yall probably don't care but it's been a rough year, anyway enjoy this chapter.

Wanda's pov

Uhgg it's Monday morning, and I really don't want to go to work.
If it couldn't get worse the first class I'm teaching is y/n's.

I hate the way I left the other day, I just panicked. It felt like I hurt her a lot.

Today is going to be so awkward...


' goodmorning class, let's get straight in to it. So grab you workbook page 69.'

My eyes scan the classroom, hoping to see y/n. But she was no where to be found. I thought she might be late but as the hour goes by she still hasn't arrived.

The bell rings and my students start walking out of the classroom, but before the last one could leave I ask her something.

' have you seen y/n by any chance?'

' yes I have this morning, but she wasn't feeling very well so she probably stayed in.'

' Did she tell you why she wasn't feeling well?'

' not really. But my guess is a hang over.'


' oh alright then, thank you for letting me know. '

I get why she skipped my class, was it really that bad? I really do like her, not just because she's literally the best sex I've ever had. She's sweet and actually cares about me. Even tho I've only been here a few weeks. It's like an instant click.
If not too careful I'd say love at first sight.

But of course I had to mess up.


I'm done for today, and I'm soooo tired. I haven't seen her all day. Which made me feel even worse.

So I make my way over to the car and just as I'm about to hop in I hear a familiar voice laughing.

I turn my head and see y/n laughing with a girl. It seems like they're flirting, I mean that stupid slut is literally standing so close to my y/n and she's playing with her hair.

The worst part is that y/n is flirting back. As if nothing ever happened last Friday night.

Suddenly her eyes meet mine, I didn't even realize I was staring.
But her look is cold, with no emotion what so ever.

After a second or 2 she breaks the eye contact, grabs the waist of the brunette and just kisses her. While still kissing she looks at me deep in the eyes.

I'm taken back by her bold move. Tears start pooling in my eyes, so I get into my car and drive away from there really fast.

How could she just do something like that? I know that my actions aren't so great either but I never intended for all this to happen.

As I walk in my house bawling my eyes out I get a notification on my phone. I'm not in the mood to answer so I just ignore it.

I go straight to my bed and fall asleep crying.

Your pov:

Hmh so I was right after all. Sure she can hide all the feelings she has for me, but how ever her eyes will always reveal the truth. What we have may not be right. But it's a real thing. I get that it's wrong, because she's my professor etc etc, but it's nothing illegal. What I feel for her is something strange, I've never felt like this before.

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