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Dear Adam,

I feel so lonely. No more text from you, or 3am in the morning calls. No long talks about how earth was created or if this is all a dream we will wake up from some day. No more comforting words. Just silence.

And that really messes with me. We used to talk all the time, now? There's nothing. It feels like your ignoring me even when I know you can't respond. But there's this emptiness like I'm not getting enough of what I need. Your words were like food to me, they gave me energy to keep going. You spoke with poetry like it was this most beautiful language, the only one worth knowing.

I miss that. It hurts.

Now I have no one. Sawyer is good though. He's trying to break through me. But, Adam, I don't think he knows what he's getting himself into. I'll just end up messing him up too. And I don't want to be the cause of another tragedy.

Bailey :(:

Dear Adam, (#2 in series)Where stories live. Discover now