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Dear Adam,

Someone vandalized my locker. They put hate notes inside and wrote horrible things on it. I spend 3rd and 4th hour cleaning it. This other boy came to help me. He brought some supplies from the janitors closet.

He had a really nice smile, but not as nice as yours.

I skipped for the rest of the day and went to the cemetery.

                         Adam Emings
              A loving boyfriend and son.
        He was a superhero who needed
          someone to save him for once.

  "I'll love you Bailey forever and always"

I'm still suprised that in your will, you put exactly what you wanted on your tombstone. It makes me wonder how long you have had this planned out for.

Your mom didn't want your tombstone to say that though, but i argued with her until she finally agreed.

I left a single red rose by your grave. Even though it'll just end up dieing with in a few days.

I know you're buried under there, but you are somewhere else. I don't know where though.

Maybe your in heaven, if heaven even exists. Or maybe at this moment your being reincarnated into something else. Whatever or where ever glued are, I hope your happy. I hope you know I love you.

I miss you,


Dear Adam, (#2 in series)Where stories live. Discover now