Chapter one

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I got up from my cotton sheets and walked to the mirror as I always did.

Nothing's changed.

I looked at my thick thighs that lacked a thigh gap in my floral patterned pajama shorts. I pulled up the matching buttoned up shirt reveling my pear shaped stomach which I knew "wasn't flat enough."

I wish I was skinnier.

I pulled down my shirt and headed to my bathroom. I stood before my mirror and looked up to find my face in it. Only then did it sink in, the nerves.

I stared at my average looking face in the mirror. "Shit. I start school today." 

In my moment of fear,  I looked into my emerald green eyes deeper and deeper, as my nervousness increased, almost falling into a trance until I heard a yell downstairs.

"Katie!" I was pulled out of my trance.

"Yes Mom?" I yelled back and began to undress.

"I hope you're getting ready for your first day!" my eyes widened as I looked up and caught a glimpse of my naked body in the mirror. I stood and stared.

You're disgusting Katie.

I brought my hand to observe the fat around my stomach.

How much do you eat?

I froze.

Fat pig.

I noticed a candle next to my sink. Tears gathered in my eyes as I fought the urge to grab the candle and add a scar to my already revolting body.

Do it you wimp.

I stared at the burning flame.

Do it.

Slowly, I reached my arm out toward the candle.

Do it.

I was about to grab the candle when-

"Katie?" my mother yelled again.

I took a deep trembling breath in relief "sorry, what did you say?" I blew the candle out and put in the cabinet under my sink.

"I asked if you were getting ready for school" I could hear the frustration in her tone, but I was nothing but thankful. She saved me from myself...again.

"Yeah I am. I'm just about to take a shower." I put my pajamas in my washing basket and headed toward the glass shower.

"Well, hurry up!"

"I will!" I opened the water.

I was done with my shower, it was refreshing to say the least. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that read 'life's worth living'.

"Bullshit" I mumbled to myself as I pulled the oversized sweatshirt over my head. I tied my chestnut brown hair into a messy bun, grabbed my backpack and my keys and rushed my way downstairs.

"Bye mom" I hastily grabbed an apple and headed out.

I jumped into my Mercedes sedan and headed off to Oakland High.


I walked through the hallway, avoiding any direct contact with anyone I passed by, holding onto my bag so tight you could see the whites of my knuckles.

Everyone in the hallway was dressed nice, there were fancy cars in the parking lot, the girls were skinny, and the guys were hot. I immediately didn't fit in, but then again, I didn't really expect to.

There was still some time before classes start so I made my way  to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the mirrors were three girls. Three breathtaking girls. One with blue eyes, one with red hair and thee other with soft and pale skin. They were touching up their makeup and having a conversation but I couldn't hear what they were saying, and I couldn't care less. I was too star struck.

 As I scanned their bodies in admiration, I noticed everything about them that I didn't have:

-They were probably size 6's. I'm a size 9.

-They had even skin. I was sunburnt from the summer.

-Their hair looked professionally done. Mine was in a messy bun.

-They were desirable. I was not.

The bell rang and I was forced back into the real world.

I walked along the now empty halls, reading the numbers on all of the doors.

"Here it is. B392" I approached the door while taking a deep breath, bracing myself.

I knocked on the door and the teacher opened it. He had big square Glasses with thin frames, and a face as smooth as a baby's bum.

"Yes?" he had a great big smile on his face. He seems like a very nice man.

"Uh, Is this um- Mr. Chambers' senior Chemistry class?" I shyly asked while looking down at my paper which had all my classes, classrooms and my teachers names on it.

He smiled, "You must be Katie. Lovely to meet you"

I smiled back at him and put away my paper, now looking down at my shoes. He told me to enter and stand in front of the class, so I did, with my head still facing the ground.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today'

Butterflies invaded my stomach.

"Her name is Katie and I expect you to make her feel at home"

My face got hot, this was the second most nervous I've ever been in my life.

I stayed looking down at my shoes in the front of the class.

"Where is she?" a loud voice asked.

The whole room filled with laughter and my heart sunk with embarrassment. I slowly lifted my head from my shoes to try and see who made that comment.

As I looked up, my eyes met someone else's. He had curly copper brown hair that fell on his forehead and a chiseled jaw but I wasn't too concerned about his physical attributes. What really stuck out to me was his hazel eyes. I felt my pupils dilate as I slowly melted in his eyes. I felt safe in the comfort of his gaze. Why do I feel safe? The room faded away. It was just the two of us. Why does he have this effect on me? His eyes looked sympathetic. Why is he sympathetic? What are my eyes telling him? I felt a warm sensation flow through my body as my breaths became deeper. I didn't care about any of what happened before and I didn't care about anyone else. I just wanted to stay in this moment, with him, forever.

That was our first encounter.

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