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Thomas and I have been together for ten years. Ten whole years. That's fucking insane.

We've been dating for nine and have now been married for a year. He wanted us to get married sooner than that but I wanted to be done with college and he was willing to wait, like the gentleman that he is.

I studied law and he got a scholarship to continue playing football, which he plays professionally now. Yeah, I'm a WAG.

I even started up my own firm and I've been doing pretty good for myself actually. My biggest case was a teenage girl whose boyfriend, sorry, ex-boyfriend, sent her nudes around school. Sounds familiar? He earned himself juvenile detention, but really the kid deserved more.

Becca and Alex are still together, surprisingly. After being on and off again for eight years, they finally decided to settle for each other and have been together, without any break, for two years.

Becca works in advertising now and Alex is an accountant. I know right, Alex, the guy who was on the High School football team is now an accountant. It turns out he's always been good at math, just never told anyone about it because he preferred to look dumb than overly smart.

James in now a designer. And of course, he is also my personal stylist. He actually designed my wedding dress and Thomas' suit.

He's been single for this entire time because, in his words, "Commitment isn't for me. I'm a slut for the adventure of single life".

We all stayed friends even outside of high school and I've never been more thankful to have met a group of people in the way that I am thankful for them.

But I am most thankful for Thomas, who I'd have never met if it wasn't for his eyes.

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