Chapter seven

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I stood by my locker, thinking about last night.

How does Thomas Hamilton intend on making me, Katie Smith, appreciate life?

I shut my locker and there he was. The man on a mission. He was leaning against the locker next to mine, wearing a black polo shirt with pink shorts and white shoes, on his left wrist wrapped a gold Rolex and on his right, several rings.

"Hey Katie" he smiled.

"Well, you look extra expensive today." We began walking.

"What? You don't like what you see?" he smiled.

"I didn't say that" I mumbled.

He chuckled "I have a family thing straight after school."

I nodded.

"What class do you have now?"


"I'll walk you" he smiled.

"What class do you have?"

"Gym class"

"That's literally on the other side of the school!"

"And I'm Thomas Hamilton, nice to meet you" he gave me his hand to shake.

I gasped"Wow you're cocky"

"Thanks." He smiled and we headed to my English class.

It was now lunch, I sat at the table I always sat at.

"How are you holding up, you know, after the whole incident?" Becca asked.

"Well-" I was cut off by two people that made themselves comfortable at our table without invitation.

"Hey guys!" Thomas smiled.

"What is he doing here?" James mouthed to me.

Thomas continued "This is Alex, but I'm sure you know him already." Alex waved.

"I'll explain everything later" I mouth back to James.

"I hope you guys don't mind us sitting here?"

"Yeah we-"

I cut Becca off "of course not".

Thomas smiled at me.

"So, what's your name?" Alex asked looking at Becca.

"Who me?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

He nodded.

"I've literally sat next to you in physics since junior year"

James and I laughed. As I was laughing I felt someone's eyes pierce into my skin, I looked to the side of me and found Thomas staring at me in amusement.

"What?" I mouthed "is there something on my face?" I touched my cheeks.

"No, you just look happy. It's refreshing" he mouthed back.

My face started to heat up as I felt my stomach get colonized by butterflies.

Why is he looking at me like that?

"Katie, are you okay?" James asked.

"What? Yeah totally."

Thomas laughed.

"So, are you guys gonna come to our game next week?" Alex asked the group.

"You should come" Thomas said to me.

"What about the rest of us?" Becca asked.

"You should all come." He continued with his eyes still on me.

I looked away feeling flustered "What do we even do at the game?" I tried to hide my embarrassment.

Alex gasped "Haven't you been to one?"


"Well, ours will be your first." Thomas smirked.

It was now the end of the day and I was walking to the parking lot when Becca and James approached me.

"So, what going on?" Becca linked her arm to mine.

"What do you mean?"

James linked his arm to my other "Don't play dumb with us."

"what's going on between you and Thomas, I thought you hated him after what he did?" Becca continued.

"Well, more like for what he didn't do."

"What?" James asked.

"He came to my house yesterday, he apolo-"

"Wait, he went to your house?" Becca stopped, looked at James and looked back at me.

"Don't overreact, we talked outside until he drove us to this place we met at before-."

James gasped. "What place you guys met at before?"

"Would you guys just listen to me?" I laughed as we continued walking "Okay, he came to my house and took me to the lake that we've met at before. He explained everything to me and it turns out I was wrong. He didn't tell anyone anything about me and obviously, I forgave him."

I left out all the important parts, the hug, his story and his promise. They're my friends, yes, but I'm not ready to explain to them how I feel or even why I feel this way.

"But that doesn't explain what's really going on between you two." Becca said as we approached my car.

"I really don't get what you guys mean by that."

James sighed "Come on Katie, we've seen the way you two look at each other."

I froze.

"There's obviously something going on between you two." Becca nodded.

I've noticed the way he looks at me, and I've definitely noticed the way he makes me feel but hearing those words come out of somebody else's mouth really made me think.

Do I have a crush on Thomas Hamilton?

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