Chapter 4

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30 Guardians hung in the rafters, watching the wizards getting ready to announce the three champions and who 18 would be guarding for the next year in shifts. 

"Money on the Durmstrang Quidditch Player." Travis said in greek. "Five Drachma." 
"Ten on the quarter veela. Did you feel her magic? Gods dam." Jazz hissed. 

"Any bets for Hogwarts?" Jake, son of Hermes, asked, a notepad in his hand. 

"Is that boy hero an option?" Reily asked, swinging upside down by her knees. 

"Harry Potter? He's underage." Conner protested. "Gandalf put some sort of barrier up and everything." 

"Why the Hades were we kept from guarding the Goblet anyways?" Sophie asked. "We were hired to work security and then they won't let us work security. I mean, what are we gonna do? Enter? Gods. How boring. Let's get on to the good stuff already." 

"What good stuff? Ain't got nothing on New Rome, that's for sure." Clarrisse muttered. 

"You are aware that the lions are scared of you?" Travis asked. 

"And the hellhounds." Conner added. 

"And the drakons." 

"The deathworm." 

"The legion of dracena." 


"I get it!" Clarrisse snapped. 

"There is a dragon for the first task." Percy reminded them, eyes watching the goblet. Annabeth would usually have been next to him but she was down in the main camp, getting ready for Samhain, creating the defenses,and collecting reports from the guardians who traveled with the French and Bulgarian wizards. "Or did you somehow miss Leo losing his mind about it." 

Clarrisse scoffed and went back to sharpening her knives, foot hooked into a wooden joint, muttering angrily about flame brains and using a fire extinguisher as a bludgeon. "I'm still mad you didn't send me on that hunting team three years ago. Sure, Josie, Mark and Tyler did the job, but dragons, Percy! Dragons!"

Reily laughed and fingered her wallet. "I'll put 300 drachma down on the boy hero getting called anyway. " 

The rafters fell silent as they stared at the daughter of Apollo. 

"Are you sure?" Percy asked in English. "That's a month's wages." 


Percy nodded. "Conner. Take it. I'll back you if they win." 

Conner nodded and the betting continued. 

"Quiet! It's starting." Jazz snapped, twisting so she could see the goblet. 

"And the champion for Drumstrang is Viktor Krum!" 

"Quidditch kid!" Travis cheered, his voice drowned out by the massive applause as two guardians dropped down invisibly, landing next to the Slytherin table and following Krum away. 

"And the Champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" 

Jazz fist pumped as the quarter veela stood and walked with grace and dignity to the sideroom, also joined by two guardians. 

"Last minute bets for Hogwarts?" Jake asked, getting a few for Gryffindor and another for Slytherin. 

"And the champion of Hogwarts is Cedric Diggory." 

Reily looked ready to cry as she slowly handed over her money bag to Jake. 

Suddenly the flames flared red once again and, as one, the guardians gripped their weapons. 

A single piece of paper floated down to Grandalf's outstretched hand Jazz tilted her head as his magic turned to a more pleased frequency. 

"Harry Potter!" 

Silence descended over the great hall as the wizards were stunned, most of all Harry, who looked just as surprised as everyone else with a side of "Why me?" 

Suddenly the silence was broken by a loud outburst. 

"Fuck yeah!" 

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