Chapter 9

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Flying among a flock of Pegasus was a lot different then flying in a broom formation, Harry realized, adjusting course to once again stay just ahead of the massive wings of a black and white paint horse Nicole was on. 

Of course, Skylar and Aditi didn't need a pegasus, or even a broom, choosing instead to pull off the magically impossible stunt of using the wind to fly. 

Skylar was floating on his back and smirking at Harry, floating just out of reach of the last Potter. "There gotta be some advantage of my dad being my dad." He said. 

"Who's your dad?" 

Skylar froze, near falling from the sky. "If you don't know, I can't tell you. Sorry." 

"It's fine. I understand group secrets." Harry said, pulling slightly away. "You keep a lot after all." Harry muttered but he was pretty sure Skylar heard him as the blue eyed Englishman laughed. 

"I'd tell you if I could but the pact was made before I was born. If you figure it out, we can talk about it though." 
"I'll try my best then." Harry said and Skylar grinned. 

"We're almost to Aviemore!" Nicole said over the radio, studying something on her muggle phone. "Start descending!" 

A few minutes later, the Pegasus had been hidden under a barrier in the park along with Harry's Firebolt. 

"Remember to keep an eye out. Two kings, 9 councils, 3 minors and a wizard are gonna attract attention." Someone called out. 

"With His presence, we should be in the clear for a few hours." Skylar said, pulling out his phone.

"Ha!" Laughed Jackie. "I wouldn't trust my life to a 'should' even if-" she stumbled, eyes darting to Harry before continuing "He himself told me that." 

Aditi laughed, along with a few others. "Let's head over to the place. Skylar? Find anything?" 

"There is Greggs, Wimpy, McDonald's and this hole in the wall China Bell." 
They voted and started walking towards China Bell, Skylar calling ahead that they had a party of 15 coming in. 

They made it without trouble, Jackie weaving magic around them to make the muggles ignore them, and reached the restaurant within 20 minutes. 

Harry had never been to a muggle restaurant before, or even had seafood. The Dursley's always said he wasn't worth it, and always brought leftovers to eat in front of him and Hogwarts didn't use anything as ingredients that weren’t caught or grown in the area. 

"Try the crab rangoon." Skylar suggested, passing a fried triangle stuffed with creamy crab and cream cheese. 

"Thanks." Harry said, noticing that Angie, who was a medic like Will, was watching him carefully. 

"You said you never had seafood before." Angie said when Harry asked her why she was watching him so intently. "I wanna notice if you have a reaction to shellfish." 

"Oh." Harry said. "Thanks." 

"How is everything?" The waitress asked, appearing with refills. 

"It's amazing. We will definitely be returning." Aditi said, expertly wrangling her chopsticks to take another bite of her shrimp lo mein. 
"Oh. You speak Mandarin?" The waitress asked. 

"Yes. I grew curious one day." 

Harry blinked but Jackie, who was sitting on his left, yanked his arm before he could speak. "The cloak translates automatically unless you turn it off to work on your language skills." 

"Ah." Harry said, before finishing off his green tea. 

Harry looked up as silence fell over the group, the Kidemonas seemingly starting at something in an alley. 

"I'll handle it." Aditi said, pulling a spear from the sheaths on Nicole's pegasus, snapping the foldable weapon together and stalking towards the alley in question.

Jackie grabbed Harry's shoulder when he looked ready to protest her going alone. 

"She got this." Jackie said. "Just watch." 

Aditi vanished into the shadows and a moment later the night was brilliantly lit by streaks of lightning descending from the sky. 

The boom rattled the surrounding buildings, and made Harry clench his teeth and cover his ears as the pegasus shifted uneasily. 

A few seconds later, Aditi reemerged from the alley, looking no worse for wear. "Empousa. A small squad. Let's go." 

They quickly rose into the air, Harry vowing to ask Jazz what Empousa was later, and headed south towards Hogwarts. 

About half an hour into the leisurely flight, Aditi steered the group towards the eastern grounds, the castle lights just beginning to piece through the gloom. 

Harry's eyes spotted something glowing in the woods and leaned his broom to descend and get a closer look, Jackie and Skylar coming with him. 

"Are those dragons?" He asked, watching fire flare as a massive reptile grew agitated at the wizards running around her cage. 

"Four of them. Must be for the task next week." Skylar mused, voice completely innocent as if he hadn't invited Harry on this outing for the specific purpose of getting him to see these. 

"Oh gods, I'm gonna die." Harry said, not even noticing that he had slipped into a Kidemonas explicative. 

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