Chapter 8

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Harry spent more time in the Guardian camp then in Hogwarts, spending the bare minimum amount of time in classes before retreating back to the camp. 

He started helping out around the camp, and even made a friend in the kitchens as he helped prepare the absolutely massive amount of food needed to feed an entire camp of high-activity teenagers. 

He rather enjoyed cooking and Sally showed him several recipes including a camp favorite, blue chocolate chip cookies.

He took Clarisse up on her lessons, leaving bruised and sore but coming back for more. 

Jazz started leaving books around, English versions of the ones on her shelves, and Harry stayed up for two hours every night to devour them, reading of battle magic that wizards hadn't used in centuries, spells to heal and restore and enchant. 

He started helping to brew potions for the infirmary with Jackie, one of Jazz's younger sisters, although she looked the same age as Harry while Jazz looked like she was still in single digits. 

Two weeks into this, Jazz kicked him out of her guest room and into a tent just for him.

It was simple, just a bed, a wardrobe and a small shelf but it was one of the three kindest things he had ever received. 

He set up Hedwig's owl stand, spelled the bookcase wider, put his books up and unpacked his trunk. 

The move seemed to be some unspoken signal that he wasn't just visiting because the next day Clarisse handed him a sword and told him to try and kill her. 

This training continued with several weapons, a few guardians yelling tips from the sidelines as Clarrisse had him try daggers, naginata, throwing knives, pole arms, spears, Bo staffs, knuckle knives, an ax larger than him, a weird scarf thing that wrapped around his neck and grabbed people, a morning star, a katana and dangers that looked suspiciously like they were from Jazz's display case.

In the end, he ended up with a practice longsword, given a lesson on how to care for it and the necessary supplies and told if he ever showed up to practice with it in less than optimal condition, Clarrise would be testing all the weapons he had handled that day on him. 

"You're Harry Potter, right?" 

Harry looked up from sharpening his longsword (an activity he had been doing every afternoon for almost a week now) to see a boy his age with black hair and electric blue eyes who happened to be the first Kidemonas with a British accent. "That's me." 

"Cool. I'm Skylar. Skylar Graeme. I heard a rumor that you like to fly. Me, my sister and a couple others were about to take a jaunt across the country side before maybe taking a pass at a nearby town and grabbing some take out. The others will be on Pegasi, not brooms though. You in? I wanna see what wizarding magic can do." 

Harry bit his lip. "I'm not sure if the school wards can tell if I leave or not." He was long past the point of caring about school rules, even before he had been dehoused but if he got detention during one of Clarrisse's lessons, he might not survive the make up.

Skylar seemed to realize that too. "Wait here." 

Five minutes later he returned with a girl with the same hair and eyes, but far darker skin. "Come on, Addy. It'll be fun. So what if he's not a Kidemonas. Don't be groupist." 

"That's still not a word." The girl said in an indian accent. 

"Hey, Harry. Here." 

A familiar green cloak landed in the wizard's hand, Kidemonas crest staring up at him. 

"See! He didn't spontaneously combust so He either approves or doesn't care." 

"I'm throwing you under the bus if one of the three takes exception." 

"Sure." Skylar accepted. "That cloak, Harry, is the pinnacle of Kidemonas magical engineering. It deflects pretty much all monitoring magic, wards and most low to mid-level active magic, can't be harmed by mortal metal and can take a few hits from Celestial Bronze. It also turns you invisible if you pull the hood up. You can borrow it to go flying." 

"I guess I'll go then." Harry said, deciding not to ask who He was. 

He had asked Will during one of his check ups when his assistant mentioned Him

"If you don't know, I can't tell you. It's rules that have been in place longer than any of us have been around." 

Harry stood and stowed his sword in the scabberb on his back and pulled the cloak over his shoulders. He was still getting used to the weight of a blade but it was starting to become more comforting to have than not. 

"It's also enchanted not to get in the way if you need your weapon." The girl said. "Try it." 

Harry reached up and to his surprise, felt the unobstructed grip of the sword.

"Aditi Laghari. This idiot's sibling." The girl said, holding out her hand to shake. "Same Father, different Mothers." She explained, even though Harry had already decided that they only shared one parent if they shared blood at all. 

"Could we swing by the Gringotts branch in Hogsmeade before we go?" Harry asked. "I only have galleons." 

Skylar seemed to realize the problem wasn't one that only Harry had. "No need. We can exchange some drachmae and galleons at the command tent. Come on." 

Annabeth eyed them from where she was using a laptop as Skylar showed Harry how to use the conversion device, typing in Greek and inserting several large gold coins and getting muggle money. 

Skylar set it up for galleons and Harry soon had 2 fifty pound notes in his pocket instead of ten galleons. 

Skylar dragged him first to his tent to grab his Firebolt and then to the stables, where Aditi and several other Kidenonas were waiting, all with their pegasus partner waiting next to them. 

The pegasus were smaller than the Abraxian's Beauxbatons had brought with them, more like normal horses in size and patterns but all tall and lithe, ready to run or fly. 

"Everyone here?" Aditi asked, glancing around. "Whose captain? Eldest, luck or choice." 

"I pick Nicole." Someone said, pointing to a grey eyed girl a little older than Harry. "She lived in the mortal world most recently." 

Nicole's eyes widened. "I would prefer a guide than a captain." 

"Aditi as captain, Nicole as guide." Skylar suggested, looking scarily serious. 

"I'm cool with that." The person who nominated Nicole said, getting several agreements. 

"It's settled. Aditi is in charge and Nicole is guide. Mount up." 

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