Chapter 3.

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Everyone was screaming and tents were on fire. 

Harry had lost his friends in the crowd, his hand aching from where he had been trampled in the rush to escape. It was probably broken but he would deal with it later. He had to get out now. 

A voice in his head urged him to fight though and he was torn between the two urges. 

He could see the people who had caused this now, men and women in black cloaks and skull masks marching in a group, casting spells and sowing chaos. 

Several people floated above them and Harry recognized the muggle campground owner and realized the others must be his wife and children. 

Rage burst to life deep in his gut and he drew his wand with his good hand, intent on rescuing the muggles and putting a stop to this. 

Before he could, someone rushed past him in a sea green cloak. 

They leaped into the fray, moving so fast Harry's smoke filled eyes had trouble making them out, even as more green cloaks jumped in. 

The death eaters began to scream in rage and pain as three green cloaks leapt impossibly high in the air, snatching the muggles and darting away with them. 

Someone grabbed Harry's arm and yanked him away, a bronze mass lowering over his body just as a familiar jet of green light shot towards him.

It changed against the shield and the rebound sent him and his savior flying backwards. 

His head collided with the breastplate his savior wore, everything going dark as they swore in another language. 

Harry stared out the window of the Hogwarts Express, lost in thought over who the green cloaked wizards who fought like Muggles had been. 

Hermione had tried to help figure it out but none of her books had anything even resembling what Harry saw. 

The newspaper claimed Aurors had done it but Harry knew what he had seen and they were no Aurors. 


Harry turned to see Hermione giving him a worried look, having looked up from her copy of Magical Military through the Ages. 
"We're almost there." Hermione said. "I'll start looking through the library after dinner."

"Thanks, Hermione." 

"I don't see what the big deal is." Ron said, his mouth stuffed full of cauldron cake. "They were probably just some foreigners or sumthin."

Hermione just sighed. "They attacked the death eaters. Cut them down like Hagrid does his chickens. Anyone who could kill a stranger without remorse is someone I want far away from me."

"Providing security for the tournament is the Kidemonas themselves." Dumbledore announced, letting the startled gasps and frantic whispering rush over the crowd, the purebloods in particular looking rather scared. 

"But fear not. As long as you do nothing to bring their eyes on to you, you have nothing to fear. I ask that you treat them like you treated the dementors last year, with great respect and much space." 

The staff looked like they were sucking on lemons and Trelawney had straight up fainted so Harry turned to Hermione and didn't even have to ask. 

"The Kidemonas are a group of humanoid magical creatures. They aren't wizards, but they aren't muggles either. They came from Greece and worship a Greek God named Perseus, who is the god of Loyalty." Hermione said, face pale. 

"Then what's all the commotion?" Harry asked. "They're acting like the dementors are here at Hogwarts again." 

"That's just it, mate." Ron said, leaning in. "They nearly killed off all wizards in Britain back when the statute of secrecy was created." 


"It was like the goblin rebellions." Hermione cut in. "They didn't like the Ministry trying to put sanctions on them and revolted. Only, unlike the goblins, they won. Our population is still recovering from the massacres. Binns is terrified of them. The only contact the wizarding world has is when they accept bounties, on people or creatures." 

"Charlie told me that one of the dragons went rogue our first year, a fully grown Bull Hungarian Horntail." Ron said. "The reserve where he works placed a bounty that the Kidemonas accepted. They sent three hunters and brought back it's head less than six hours later. Seriously scary, mate." 

"Why didn't they get hired during the war?" 

"No one wanted to get them involved. Even Dumbledore." Ron said. "Said it was too dangerous." 

"They're killers, Harry." Hermione warned. "They don't see a difference between the light and the dark, just wizards. We would have been slaughtered."   

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