Chapter 19

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There was a cloak on his shoulders and a mask on his face and four Guardians at his side and it felt so right. 

Harry walked in formation, with Annabeth in the lead and Jazz to his left. Behind him was Will, with Travis next to him, a box in the scout's arms full of papers that he and his brother had apparently been collecting since Christmas. 

He wasn't quite sure what was going on, just that Annabeth had grabbed him from sword practice with Clarrisse (he would never be able to repay her) and tossed a cloak and mask at him and told him to go to the stables. 

Jazz, Travis and Will had been waiting, already mounted on pegasus with a fourth waiting for him. 

They stepped towards Gringotts, wizards getting out of their way and Goblins giving a bow.

Inside the bank waited a contingent of goblins, with a taller one at the head. 

"King Ragnok." Annabeth said, nodding her head slightly. 

Whoever this Goblin was, he was a big deal to the Guard. 

"Lady Annabeth. It is a pleasure to see you again. If we may adjourn to my office, we can begin." 

The contingent turned and the guardians and Harry followed them into the bowels of the bank, through a twisting maze of passages and into an unobtrusive office door that led to the most massive office Harry had ever seen. 

King Ragnok sat down at the desk made of ornate marble and motioned for the box Travis held as seats were brought forward. 

Annabeth sat next to Harry, with the others behind him, with only Annabeth and then Harry at her prompting, removing their masks. 

"How long has it been, Lady Annabeth?" Ragnock asked, pushing his glasses up on his nose. 

"Almost 150 years." The Lieutenant replied. "We haven't been in Britain en masse since the occultism fanatics settled down." 

"Victorian Era England was indeed rather strange." The Goblin agreed. "Now, on to business. I had the vaults in question audited and all monies either returned or asset requisitions in exchange." 

Harry eyes Annabeth as she took the parchment held out to her and ran over them with an expert eye. "I'm seeing welfare checks made out to a Petunia Dursley for 1500 pounds a month with the first payment on November 5th, 1981." 

"Yes. We have been unable to audit the muggle accounts without your companion's or his magical guardian's permission." 

"And the wizarding accounts?" Annabeth asked. 

"500 galleons deducted monthly from the main Potter vault for something called The Bird Fund. 300 is sent to Vault 798, and 200 to Vault 653, both under the name Albus Dumbledore."
Harry suddenly realized what they were talking about. "These are….my family vaults?" 

Annabeth nodded. "I've had Travis investigating your home situation. Even if you say no, it would be against our morals to let you stay a moment longer with your muggle caretakers." 
Harry felt a surge of anger course through him. "You had no right to-" 

Jazz suddenly snaked over and flicked him on the forehead, sparks flying and calm washing over him. He was still annoyed and feeling a bit betrayed but it was nowhere near the rage that had washed over him a second ago. 

"Compulsion charm." The mage said quietly, mask distorting her familiar voice. "Strongest so far. Same signature as the others." 

Harry's mind latched onto that word. Others. And immediately felt sick.

A waste basket appeared as he emptied out his guts, Jazz moving to rub his back soothingly. 

"We have the documentation from our ICW certified Healer and Cursebreaker as to the nature of the numerous charms and spells upon our Candidate. It should help you build the case." Annabeth said when he was done, looking over him with concern. 

The Goblin nodded. "It will. Thank you, Lady Annabeth." 

"It was Dumbledore, wasn't it?" Harry said, breathing heavily.

Jazz nodded. "I've been breaking them when I can but only active compulsions can be broken so I have to wait until something triggers them. I've been doing that for a while. Ever since that night. Most are pretty recent, after Halloween, recent, but one or two are like the one I just broke. A few years at least." 

Harry found that some small part of him was amused. "No wonder he's been panicking." 

Jazz laughed at that. 

Annabeth cleared her throat. "Now that you know the truth, or at least some of it, we need to finish going through this paperwork." 

"All that's left is to get this to the DMLE. Even if you say no, Dumbledore won't be able to get within a mile of you without settling off all sorts of alarms." 

"Thank you." 

"I made my decision." 


"After the third task. Everyone will know then." 

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