A Baby's Cry

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Thanksgiving is two weeks away and today is the 85th day since Ethan has left for that stupid job-transfer-slash-filling-in thingy. Yep, I have not been counting the days. -_- Since then, I've been focusing all of my energy on work and on "re-cultivating" my friendship with Matt.

Honestly though, if it had not been for Ethan's rule before he left which was something that goes like: "Trust, Boo Bear. If you have no other reason, well, except from missing me, you do NOT call me, I call you, got it?" I would have been blowing off his phone every five minutes to ask how he's been, what's he doing, where is he, are you telling me the truth, and no really. Good thing for Ethan to tell me that. He's smart, I'd give him that but I'm awesome and I could follow a little bit of rules.

(Oh yeah? Coz from what I could remember, if he had not threatened to not call you, you would still have been doing so. Well, he really is THAT smart xD)

You're annoying, conscience, you know that? -_-

"Lee-lee, hit me."

I frowned at Matt. "Uh, no."

He whined. "Aw, why not? Come on! You know I could take it. Hit me."

"Matt, I would literally slap your soul out of your body if you keep that up," I wiped the bar top one last time then threw the rag at him. He caught it right before it hit his face. Damn.

It was 2 A.M. and we were closing up in the Blazin' Bar. Matt and I were the only ones left because—- oh, let's just face it, my pervert boss and co-workers are lazy shitheads. After a long night, they would head straight home before the two of us could even get the chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

I put on my hoodie and grabbed my bag then turned away from my infuriating best friend.

"Lee-lee, you know I'd always take care of you no matter what. Why don't you talk to me? I'm concerned about you, you know that," he looked at me with puppy-dog eyes as he removed his apron and took the keys by the counter.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Puh-lease! If it had not been for Ethan being Elise's older brother, your 'I'll take care of her' agreement with him, and you, trying to gain the brother's vote, you would have stopped pestering me already." He shrugged noncommittally then began to follow me as I head out.

When we got outside, a cold breeze passed by us and I could not help the sneeze that came up. Awesome. -_- I huddled deeper in my hoodie to ward off some of the coldness as Matt put an arm around my shoulder while we walked.

"Woah, you comin' up with something?" he took a hold of my face using his free hand and turned it towards him so that he could look at me closely. I scrunched my nose then shook my head to free it from his grasp.

I sighed. "Yeah, sadly I think my immune system could not keep up with me lately."

"You've been working too hard. Why don't you slow down? Your secret's already out. Aside from Ethan not being here, I can't see why you're making yourself too busy."

I stopped in my tracks and pushed Matt aside. "The question is 'why not?' See, of all people, why does our love have to be put on pause? Is it because it is too tremendous that the world is not ready to handle us yet? Is it that insanely awesome? You know what," I pointed an accusatory finger at my best friend who, in return, put his hands up in surrender, "we ARE that awesome, so, obviously, our love is awesome as well. Wait, no, we're freaking BREATHTAKING!"

Matt frowned. "Breathtaking?"

"YES! Breathtaking! We're—— uh, —— we're stunning, even! Dazzling! "

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