Part 1

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Lauren's POV

IT'S been 4yrs when I started shutting everyone out of my life. I didn't respond to all of them and just focus on my music career and throughout those years, Lucy has been there with me, she had been my anchor and I fell in love with her and now I'm ready to propose to her after in a relationship with her for almost 2yrs.

I just got home on my condo in LA, in our shared condo with Lucy. She was out to sort my meeting because in 2 weeks I go on concert.

"Babe, I'm home!" I said but I didn't get a response so I continue to walk inside then my phone vibrated from my coat so I pulled it out, I frowned because it was unregistered, I remember Lucy, maybe her phone died so she used another phone so I answered it, "hey..."

"Hung up and I will fucking drag you back here in Miami, Lauren Michelle!"

I gulped because it was my mom, "what?"

"Don't fucking ask me that kind of question, Lauren Michelle! I don't know the reason for you shutting us out and never call, even a letter informing us that you're okay, really Lauren? Is your fame got into your big head? You forgot your own family?!"

This couldn't be happening because the last time I remember I sent a letter and ask favour to Lucy to send it to them, "mom, I did send a letter," I reasoned.

"Well, we didn't receive one!"

"What do you mean you didn't receive one? That's impossible."

And instead of her response I heard my father's voice saying something on the other line: Honey, we need to get to the hospital now, Dinah and Mani needed to get home.

I frowned even more when I heard their conversation. Who's in the hospital?

"Is Chris and Taylor, home?"

I tightened my jaw when I heard my older brother's name because of that I gripped my phone but still listen.

"No, they're not here yet but Chris replied and they're on their way here."

I widened my eyes and my heart beats faster of what I heard next. My stomach is fluttering with nervous, confusion, it was mixed.

"Gran, Granny, is Uncle Chris and Auntie Taylor home now?"

I frowned more when I heard that kid's voice. Uncle Chris? Auntie Taylor? Who's the parents' of those kids? Why are they in my parent's home? They call my parents' Gran and Granny. What the hell?

I even strained my ears so I can listen better, raise the volume on my phone and focus what's happening in the other line, taking a seat on the sofa.

"They're on their way now, mijo, don't worry."

"How about mommy?"


"We're here!"

"Uncle Chris!"

"Lance!" and Chris tickled Lance, "where's the other one?"

"In here!"

I heard another voice, somewhat feminine, a girl.


"Just Uncle Chris? What about me?"

"Aunt Tay!"

I don't know what is happening, I really don't know, I even held my head because of my confusion.

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