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IT'S been 2 weeks after my  unforgettable final concert at the New York Dome and it's a talk in the social media that I thought would never die down because as per they say it's a day to remember the best concert they ever had and also my contract ended. I finally got home once again in Miami, living with my family, my girlfriend and our twins.

My first Christmas with my family is a blast, I finally handed Camz the Porsche's key as my gift for her. Chris even pouted but I handed him a key to a real Mercedes Benz when I saw the poster in his room and he squealed in excitement I also got Taylor her favourite Mini Cooper well mom and dad I got them a vacation trip to Japan that they wanted for a long time, as to my twins I got them a bike with learning wheels and they're so excited to ride it.

Not just Christmas but New Year too and we spend it on England, all of us.

I also went back to school, finishing my degree since Camz already graduated and finally get her licensure. She's working as a dentist part-time at a clinic while raising our twins and I really planned to make her, her own clinic. Despite of the burn scar that remained in the side of her face, no one dared to criticized her thru social media because lots will protect her and I admired her, always telling it to her, because she never back down and I am glad that she regained her confidence.

As expected I cried, it's not only me who cried but Camila too when we send our twins at school since it was their first day, they were excited and we're not but it's their life and there's nothing we can do about it but support them.

Dad secretly handed me the title of the land and I smiled upon receiving it, it's finally sold to me and I will finally built the house that Camila and I dreamt about. It was not far away from where my parents are, its just a couple of streets away, a perfect place to build Camila and I's dream house.

Then on our 7th anniversary I finally proposed to Camila with the help of my twins. Of course with Dinah's permission, you see she didn't expect me to hand a paper containing the new ownership of the dance studio that they only rented. 

What Dinah finally forgive me is because the real owner of the dance studio is a real asshole which is Shawn when she saw me finally landing my fist to his thick ugly face, a gold digger and yes the same Shawn that wanted to court Camila but freak out when he saw her burn scar. He up the rent when the dance studio boomed of its income, I even slap the cheque to him when he said that they must pay twice the amount of 1yr rent which is $55,000, I give him $60,000 cheque and slap it to him, he even added some mean words to Norminah not just that but to Camila as well and that put me in rage and I beat the shit out of him that makes him run for his life and never return. That's the reason why Dinah forgive me, for beating the shit out of him for protecting Camila to assholes like him, take note Camz didn't know about this and I didn't tell her. But she eventually found out because a day before I proposed to her, she visits Dinah and Normani in the dance studio, noticed some new things and a renovations in there, after fetching the twins in school since I'm still in school that moment. She was pissed at me for not telling her, well it's not really my place to tell since I don't want to show her off that I helped Norminah. I explained and she forgave me that made me kiss her.

So on our 7th anniversary I finally propose to her and she said yes while crying. Unknown to me she had a surprise too. She told me the news that made me jump like a kid, I even squealed in delight because she's 3mos pregnant. Fuck! I need to rush our house!

On Camila's 6mos of pregnancy I surprise her of the house and she loves it that makes her cry adding to her pregnancy hormones. She didn't expect that I still have the copy of our dream house when she see the actual house. Her hormones is a bitch but I manage, I didn't let Chris and Taylor run to the 24hrs store since they had class tomorrow, midterm exam, and I didn't intend to, even if they don't have one because Camila is craving at 2am. I finally got to feel what they feel when Camila is pregnant with the twins and its worse, per they say, than what I experienced now. I'm not complaining because I love it.

After a month I finally got my degree and I'm so happy and my family too.

On Camila's last month of pregnancy I let my family stay at our new house for them to watch the twins while I ran Camila to the nearest hospital.

And at 5am on April 12th a baby boy was born and we named him Christopher Michael Cabello-Jauregui. I cried when I saw him, he's so tiny and he had her mommy's colour and my widow's peak too and the colour of his eyes is green just like the twins. I finally got the feeling of what it felt like when the older twins are born. It's so amazing. If I can't stop looking at the twins whether they awake or not that sometimes makes the twins find it creepy because I always lost just looking at them with a smile on my lips, how much more to the new addition of the Cabello-Jauregui household. He had me and Camila's features. The twins love him too and can't wait to play with him, teach him and everything.

After 4mos, Camila and I finally got married, right after my exam. I finally got her to call my wife! I even make Alexa as my best woman and Dinah was Camila's maid of honour. We invited Ally too which became the addition to our circle of friends.

All of the happenings after my last concert was been updated in IG. From the twins first day of school, my come back at school, Camila's pregnancy, the new house, the birth of our 3rd kid, the wedding, etc. As what I said to Camz I built a studio room just in the basement of our house. I may not be a singer anymore but I make it my passion because you see I had my priorities now and that was my family. Though Alexa and Ally wanted me to be a ghost song writer I agreed but it was limited. And I never messed up again because this is my last chance, this is the chance that Camila, my family and my friends gave me and I will never mess this up. This is all worth it and I'm so happy.

So guys once you had that kind of family, never mess it up because life is not a song in your playlist that you can always replay for you to correct it. Just like a song, no matter how much you replay it, it's still the same, so don't mess it up. Okay? And also what got me into the mess is that I quickly conclude which is not right. You see, there's always a story behind everything. Observe first and don't judge easily. Once you've given a second chance, don't mess it up. Ciao.


A/N: I quickly revised this last chapter for not updating for 8 days after my last update which is on 22, I was supposed to update at 27th but the security features of the laptop I'm using is messing with my files which make it automatically deleted. Good thing I save it on my phone. 

This will be the last chapter and there's no sequel because I hate making one. And the first sequel I made will the be the last one if you read the story entitled "MELT MY COLD HEART" that'll be the last one I'm making a sequel. I don't intend to make more. This is just a story and I wanted a happy ending one even just in the story.


Please keep streaming "NOT PREPARED FOR YOU by Lauren Jauregui" to show our support. And also "DON'T GO YET by Camila Cabello"

Let's help them by streaming the songs. We're doing it because the "perfect" kuno, boyfriend of Camila is not helping her at all and some of his fans are criticizing Lauren. WTH! Immatures! Not to mention the "Cinderella" movie. Again who wants that kind of guy? Freak! Famewho**. A**hole.




Nyong-an. (Jisoo-yah, my bias of BP, infected me (LOL)) Love you, Jisoo!!!

Apologize to Jisoo, ADIDAS!!!!


Until next time.

Take care everyone. Keep safe.

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