Part 9

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THE day of the concert came and it'll start at 2pm. All of the tickets are sold out and my fans are already there waiting for it to start and it's already 1pm now. I arrived at New York Dome 3hrs before the concert. Alexa even make sure that my family will be taken care of and I asked every goddamn 30mins and she said that they will be on time and I need to relax and making sure that the security will keep them safe and hearing that is enough for me. The safety of my family, my twins with Camila and Camila is my priority.

"Are they already here?"

Alexa chuckled at me because that question is repeated in 20th time in a row now and she finally nodded. 

"They're already here," Alexa said.

"Uhm my surprise for Camila?"

"It's already done, I already talk to Chris and he said that the twins got it right."


And Alexa chuckled.

With that, I'm relaxed.

Camila's POV

At the last minute I felt like I don't want to go out but Lauren needs our support and she expected me to be there at her final concert and I did as a show of my support, trying my best to not look at the camera, to those papz literally shoving their microphone towards me to ask some questions, gossips to write for their tabloids. 

My twins are with my brother-in-law, and father-in-law covering them with all their might, not showing their faces without permission, Taylor following them and mother-in-law followed while protecting me too. The securities really wanted to lash out at those papz so they could back off while trying to protect us, poor them, until we manage to get inside to the dome. The securities didn't leave us, still assisting us until we're settled on the front row spot and never leave, standing close to us, checking every perimeter.

"Mommy it's too many!"

Camille shouted because the loud sound and the fans screaming preventing us from hearing each other so we leaned closer so we manage to hear each other.

"I know, baby!" and I kiss her cheek that makes Camille giggled.

Then she went back to her seat beside Lance.

"Where's mama?!" Lance asked in excitement.

"The concert is about to start honey so probably Mama is still in the backstage, preparing!"

Until the dome started to get dark, the drums beat one of Lauren's songs as introduction, the bass rhymed with the drums. Though it's too loud I still get to bop my head slightly at the beat. And the spotlights lighted on the stage. The people started screaming, placards on their hands waving it high then it became dark again. A few seconds later a spotlight was turned on and there it was my lovely girlfriend, she's gorgeous. I got smiled when I saw her, her clothes mimicking our outfit, a rockstar. A wide smile plastered across her lips, her emerald eyes shimerring while raising her right hand with the microphone.

I heard our twins screaming and jumping shouting Mama and I just laugh.


And a scream became louder after Lauren says it and she sang her first song and the fans sang along with her.

I felt like it was her first concert again. I was there on her first concert, surprising her and she loves it, me being there on her first concert. She really thought I couldn't come but I greeted her on the backstage with the help of Alexa and that makes her happy. Lucy was already her manager that time, I didn't notice her because I am focus on Lauren, I respected her as a manager which I didn't know that sooner she was cause of Lauren and I's fall out, but anyways it's all in the past and she was in penitentiary serving her sentence and I was here, with our kids, our family watching Lauren go all out on her songs in her last concert.

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