Part 2

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Lauren's POV

I WAS now on a private jet courtesy by my label when I decided to read Camila's letter. I saw that it was her favourite stationery so I took a sniff because I'm sure it smells good but too bad the scent is fading now. I flap it open and read it:


I don't know why you suddenly didn't reply to my texts or even calls, even in social media accounts you blocked me so I tried to send you this, hoping that you will get my message. Did I do something wrong? Why Lo? I didn't need to be stressed out because of doctor's orders. Oh don't worry I'm not sick, I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant of our baby. I really wanted to surprise you but you suddenly vanished without telling anybody, so there, even your parents didn't know your reason, I even told your parents about me being pregnant and they're happy especially Chris and Taylor. Chris even said that he will help me prepare a surprise for you, even Taylor volunteered they were excited as I am. Even if you're not here, I'm blessed to have your family at my back since you already know that I don't have family anymore. I really don't understand, I'm wracking my brain what did I do wrong, even Cheechee smack my head in case I forgot something but I can't find any...

I can't, I can't finish reading her letter because she's blaming herself of what happened. It was my fault, my fucking fault. I forgot to trust Camila that she will not cheat on me. What have I done?

Lord and to all the deity, please, let me have another chance to be with Camila and our twin. Whatever happened to Camila, let me take care of her one more time, I know I can't bring back the past and correct it all but please let me have another chance with her.

I didn't realize that I fell asleep, I just felt someone tap me on my shoulder and I saw a smiling Camila.


"I'm sorry, ma'am, but my name is not Camila, we already arrived in Miami."

Camila's face switched to a flight attendant so I straightened, "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, ma'am."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, ma'am."


There are some changes in the neighbourhood and I even saw a burned house, police tape surrounding it then I headed to my former home couple of blocks away. I brought a car, it was a Porsche since it was tinted, a car that Camila dreamt about of having, I don't want anybody know that I am here and no one knows that I purchased this car and this is my private life.

After a minute of driving I stopped my car in front of the familiar house, I finally arrived of my former house. I suddenly felt scared because I don't know how to face them after not seeing them or even a phone call for almost 5yrs, all fucking thanks to my psycho girlfriend, no scratch that, she's not even my girlfriend. 

I took a few deep breaths before I decided to step out of my car.

My heart is hammering with nervousness while walking towards the front porch. I sighed upon arriving, took a deep breath then pressed the doorbell. I heard some giggle at the back of the door then it opened. My eyes widened because damn it was like I was looking at my kid version when I saw the little boy opening the door and I fell down on my knees, levelling to his height.

"Hi..." I greeted, excitement is what I feel because in front of me is my own son, my son with Camila.


"What's your name?"

"Mommy said, don't talk to stranger."

It hits me hard, like a boulder was thrown in my direction, hitting my body after hearing it from his little mouth because I'm a stranger to my own kid. It hurts, really hurts. I suppress my tears by biting my quivering lips.

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