Part 3

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Before my family left, leaving me with Camila and our twins to the hospital, they left me a bag of clothes and a grocery so I don't need to went down to the cafeteria to have a snack, they will be back later to take the twins home. I told them that I will watch Camila and they let me. Thank God, for that.

The twins are asleep on the small bed in there since it was a private room, good thing because I will surely gave her a private one if she stayed in a public one. I smiled while looking at my twins', I even kissed their foreheads and push the duvet up to their chin.

I felt my phone vibrated so I took it out and saw Ally's name on the screen so I answered it.


"Did you hear the news?"

"Yeah, I did, it was actually me who turned her in."

"What happened, Laur?"

"She tried to kill Camila."


"Yes and what you heard in the news are all true."

"How can we take your statement?"

"Not now, Ally, I'm with my family."

"You're with Camila?"

"And our twins."

"You had kids?! And you didn't even tell me!"

"Lucy hid it from me, okay? I'm blind about it too."

"Oh my God."

"I know, Alz."

"I thought that it was just sort of misunderstanding when Alexa told me that there's something is wrong with your manager and I didn't expect that this is kind of big."

"I know... I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, stay there but you need to give a statement to the press."

"They might disturb my family, Camila and my twins, I can't risk it."

"How can you let out a statement? You need to defend yourself."

"My social media, I will do a live later in my IG, make sure to notify the public."

"Okay, that's good, well your twins?"

"Not now, I don't want to expose them without Camila's permission, I hate to say this but I don't have a right to my twins even though I'm there Mama..." she said the last word in a whisper.

"Okay, okay, I will just look another manager for you."

"Alexa can do but I want to take a break, can I do it? I really want to make-up with my family."

"Sure, sure, take it."

"Thanks, Alz."

"Don't fuck up this time, okay? You made a mistake too and that is not confirming it to Camila first."

"I know..."

"Take care, okay?"

"I will."

And the call ended.

I check the bar percentage of my phone and it's 65%, it's enough to give my statement because after this I'll do anything to take my family back, make-up things with Camila and to our kids.

I logged in to my IG then took a deep breath then do my live, I got smiled because within just a few seconds I have many viewers, "you probably expect me to do a live now, huh, my label probably notify you, yeah, this live will not take longer than I usually do so I'll make this quick, I don't want anyone to know where I am right now I hope you understand but as what you heard on the news, yes, I'm here in Miami, one of the hospitals, this is a family matter, I arrive here in Miami at dawn because something happened really bad that is beyond my expectation and—yeah because of my foolishness I did before, I mess up caps lock BIG TIME, caps lock I MESS UP GREATLY a mistake that I need to correct," and I read someone mentioned Lucy, "yeah about her, I actually don't want to mention her name anymore because she's the reason of my mess up life, yes I still have responsibility because I believe in her, so yeah, from now on I don't want to be link to her," and she read someone commented about Camila Cabello and I smiled, "well, Camila Cabello, I was pissed every time someone mispronounced her surname so guys it's Cabeyo, Ca-mee-luh Cabeyo so you better pronounced her surname correctly, it makes me pissed when it mispronounce, well about Camila," and I smiled, "she's actually the reason why you know me, my inspiration, the main reason where I am right now, she's the one who supported me throughout my journey until I'm up, so yeah, you can say that I leave her hanging, I live in lies because of that fucking bitch, I believe in her lies that Camila cheated on me, Camila is actually my long-time girlfriend, I met her during high school years and yeah she knows my condition, she knows everything of me, as in everything, she became my best friend after that, become my protector when someone bullied me so when college came I was 18 that time and she was turning 17 when I finally court her and that's one of the caps lock MOST AMAZING thing that happened to me, in my entire life, let's just say that words isn't enough to explain how amazing Camila is and because of my stupidity and my foolishness to listen and believe to that bitch thinking that she cheated on me even if she was not, I fall into her pit of lies so after that I distance myself to them including to my family then just yesterday I found out everything, I 'send' a letter to my parents telling them that I'm okay and I expected an answer letter from them, I found out that the bitch didn't send it and hid my letter, my parents called me several times but unknown to me she changed my number, even my friend Alexa and Vero they didn't know about it," and I saw a comment Lucy is a crazy bitch and I chuckled, "yeah, thank you, that's the correct word, she is a crazy bitch, hmm crazy manipulative bitch, that's perfect name for her, so yeah, her, she changed my number without my knowing," and I took the letters and showed it to them, "this is the letters that my parents send to me including Camila's that the crazy manipulative bitch hid under her clothes, if Alexa didn't give my number to my mom even until now, I think of this as another document, these are almost 5yrs worth of letters so yeah she manipulated me for years and I got out from the pit of her lies and thank you for Alexa for giving my number to my mom, I'll be forever grateful," and I read the comment about what happened to Camila, "yeah, about that, I don't want to show it into the public because I value Camila's privacy but—sadly she's still in coma, the crazy manipulative bitch her other bitch, named Chuck, ordered him to kill Camila, before I left LA in the condo, the same night after mom called me and finding these letters, unknown to her I heard her talking to—uh it's Chuck probably because I talk to Chuck when he got caught because earlier he tried to kill Camila, inject a syringe to her, so Camila is suffering from seizure from time to time, he didn't deny it, the CMB even wanted me to believe that she is pregnant with my baby," and I shook my head, "even if it's not mine, the father's Chuck, yeah a manipulative bitch, anyways I wanted the police to take care of the case and I will make sure that they will not go unpunished and I want to ask you a favour everyone, pray for Camila Cabello's safety, help me pray that she will wake up soon and recover, after this live, I will take a break in the music industry because I wanted them back in my life, I already talk about it to my label and thank you for them for letting me, so that's it," and I read someone commented they want to see Camila, "the CMB probably opened my IG so don't expect that you will found a picture of her, she probably deleted it, she even block some of my friends that is connected to Camila even my family, my siblings, try to search her name if you want and lastly, I want to thank Chris, my brother for saving Camila's life he's the one who took her to the hospital and I owe him big time, I know I didn't deserve forgiveness from my family, my siblings, to Dinah and Normani, to the twins and especially to Camila but for now I will focus on her safety, her recovery, saying sorry is not really enough that's why I'm taking a break, I'll make it up to them because I owe them that much, but don't worry I will update and thank you for everything," and I wave my hand saying goodbye to them then I ended my live and logged out to my IG.

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