Part 6

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TOMORROW will be the day that Camila will be discharge and I was left alone again with her since its already late in the evening.

I lay beside Camila, she's laying in my shoulders now and we're looking at each other and just like always I played with her fingers.

"You'll be discharged tomorrow," I started.


"You'll stay with my parents."

"How about you, you're going back to LA?"

"No, not yet, but I will, not now, I still asked my parents' permission if I can sleep in their house, I was gone for so long sweetheart."

"They will let you."

"I hope so."

"We slept in your bedroom sometimes when your parents want me to stay over."

"I see," and I smiled.

"I know you felt guilty, but don't be, shit happens and you landed on some women..."

"Crazy manipulative bitch."

And we chuckled because we said it at the same time.

"I know."

"What now, Lo?"

"I'll start from the very beginning."

"You don't have to."

"Yes, Camz and just let me, you deserve it," and I caress her cheek.


"I'll start from the very beginning, I try my best to control myself not to touch you, so spare me, don't tease me and don't show me your pout, you know that it makes me weak," and I heard her chuckle and I let her then she listen again, "I'll spend more time with you and—I need to go back to LA to finish my contract and if you let me, I will introduce you and the kids to the world."


"This'll be the last time, I just wanted them to know, I want to show the world how lucky I am to have you and our twins, don't worry I will not force you, it's up to you sweetheart."


"What are you worried about?" and I saw her staring at her scars, "listen, sweetheart," and I caress her cheek, "you're beautiful, inside and out, remember that, after my concert I will quit, finish my schooling, spend most of my time with our family," and I wipe her tears while she nodded, "tomorrow they will surely mob you, they already know that I'm here, some paparazzi wanted to get some scoop that's why sometimes I went out but not always and Dinah is outside to guard, me and her throughout the night, I want to ask your permission first and I don't want them to hurt you, tonight I'm doing a live, I owe them for supporting me and it's right that I will show you off, you deserve it, I want to show them the twins too and let them know that they're my kids."

"Are you really sure?"

"Yes, sweetheart I am sure," and I dried her tears, "you know that singing is just my second option and being an architect is the one, as long as you're with me and our twins, everything will be fine."

"You will miss the stage."

"Then I will create a stage on my own," and she chuckled, "doing a live on my IG."

"You will lose fans."

"If they're really my fans they will support me whatever my decision is," and I held her cheek, "you're the reason why I'm on top sweetheart, you're my inspiration why I can wrote those songs I have in my albums all of it is because of you and I'm nothing without you."

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