Part 4

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"THE skin of Ms Cabello is somewhat okay now, if you want, Ms Jauregui, you can apply this to her skin twice a day so the scar will not be visible it helps her skin too not to irritate."

I accept the small tube and I nodded, "does it mean that she can bathe now? She loves her hygiene, you know."

"Yes, you can bathe her."

"How is she doc?"

"She's stable, she took a great and deep wound that's why we put her into coma so she can recover fast."

"What about her seizure?"

"That we couldn't explain because it never happened for the past month, it looks like that man tried his very hardest to kill Ms Cabello."

I nodded, "I will not let them, thank you doc, just tell me anything."

"Of course, Ms Jauregui," and briefly shook his hand, "I leave now."

I nodded at him and he left the room.

I stared at the bath supply that her skin needed, it was not fully heal, mom left some of her underwear that was in the bag. I read the description of the small tube carefully then I began my work, changing Camila. My family will come later and it's already 7am so I still have time, the visitors are allowed at 8am. I locked the door and close the blinds.

I moved to Camila and remove the white sheets and there it was, some of her burn scars, it was in her hands and to her feet too, everywhere.

"Don't worry Camz, I will still love you whatever you are," I assured her, "uhm—Camz?" and I blush, "I'm going to remove your gown okay? Uhm it's-it'll be hard not to look you know, so let me?" and I sighed, "okay," then I began to entangle the gown out of her body, I gulped after removing her gown, "you're making me hard you know, the pants I'm wearing began to tighten," then I took the wash bin and began to damp the cloth with some medicines on the water and slowly damp it into her now sensitive skin.

Camila became thin, I fully saw the burn scars, most of her front body was covered in it but my love for her never fall out, my love for her never fades, I know that now. Before, after seeing her, in a misunderstanding way, embracing my younger brother, my judgment got clouded, I thought I never lover her anymore, it was just, my love for her is just sleeping because of the jealousy I felt and confusion.

"I'm trying myself not to pin you in this bed, Camz," and I chuckled.

After it I put some medicine on her burn scars then I said, "do you still remember the time we talk when we get old and wrinkled? I'm doing it right now, Camz, I win," and I smiled, "I will say it again, I'm going to take care of you," and I sang, "I wanna grow old with you," and I smiled then I leaned in and kiss her lips, "I love you and I'm going to wait for you, how long it takes, okay? You're stuck with me, sweetheart," and I smiled.

I become closer to the twins, I've got to play with them and my family let me while Dinah is giving me death glares and I just let her, I deserve that.

"It doesn't mean that you're here, taking care of Chancho and everything, I will forgive you," and shook her head, "no."

"I know and I understand, just continue doing it, Camz is so lucky to have you."

"It's good that we're clear," and left.

I nodded then I heard Normani said.

"Don't worry Laur, she'll come along."

"I am not expecting anything Mani, I actually understand, I mess up big time so I will not complain."

"Okay then, have faith."

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