Chapter 5

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(A/N: Sorry that this chapter took so long to be posted. I was away from my house for the last week and couldn't post anything. Okay so this chapter might have something that may or may not... I guess... hit well. I don't know, it's something that I've only ever seen done a handful of times so... enjoy!)

I was walking through a wide open field. "Where am I? How did I get here?" I had no idea what was going on.

"Hey Dimbyre!" I turn around and see Ryuko running towards me, smiling and waving.

I smile and wave back. Suddenly the ground starts shaking and I fall to the ground. I watch Ryuko as she falls to the ground and a hole in the ground opens up and swallows her. "Ryuko!"

I am unable to get up. Suddenly I hear someone laughing. "Are you still too weak to save anyone?" I immediately recognize the voice. "You're no different than the scared little kid who failed to do anything."

I struggle to turn around and see him. "Father." I growled out.

"Aww what's wrong. Seems like you still haven't learned." He transformed his arm and grabbed me by my throat. "You are mine. You don't have a will of your own."

"Gah. N-no." I grab his arm in an attempt to get him to let go. "Y-you don't control me."

"Oh really? Then prove me wrong." He gave me his usual cocky smirk.

"Grr." I began to transform to help get me out of his grip.

"You aren't showing me anything. You're only proving me right."

At that I began to lose control. "Grrah! You're nothing to me!" I fully transformed and began attacking him. "You will die by my hand for everything you've done!"

As I get out of his grip, he transforms and before I can do anything, he has me on the ground. "Still just as weak as ever." He began to raise his other hand and...

"Dimbyre!" I felt myself being shaken awake.

"Ahh!" I jolted awake. "Where is he!" I began to move to the corner of my room on my bed. I was frantically looking around. "Wh-what?"

"Dimbyre?" My gaze landed on Ryuko. "Are you okay?" I hugged her and began to cry.

"I-I thought I lost you. Ryu I-I... I can't lose you. Please." I began hugging her tighter.

She hugged me back. "Shh. It's okay. I'm not going anywhere." She said in a very calming voice that made me calm down and I began to get sleepy.

As I was beginning to fall back asleep, Ryuko laid me back down. As I drifted off to sleep I wasn't thinking. "I love you." And I was asleep.

Ryuko POV

I was stunned at what I heard. 'Jade, did I hear that right?'

"That's right. He did just say he loves you."

'What do I do now? He just told me he loves me!'

"Calm down. Ask him about it in the morning. You were already going to confess your feelings to him. Just take this as your chance to tell him."

I sigh as I lay down. 'You're right like always. ...Hey Jade, do you think Dim has something like you?'

"I don't know. You could ask him. He may not have had one manifest yet."

I think about what she said. 'I hope he does. If not, I hope he gets one at least half as amazing as you.'

I slowly begin to drift off to sleep.

Dimbyre POV

The next morning

I woke up and felt amazing. I stretched. "Ahh. That was the best night's sleep I've ever had." Suddenly I feel a scaly appendage move onto my chest. I look down and see a pale yellow tail. It pushed me down onto the bed.

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