Chapter 3

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(A/N: heads up this chapter is a little long(6503 words btw) so... yeah. I hope you're enjoying the story so far.)

I woke up on Monday feeling tired. Yesterday, Rumi and I went to an amusement park and spent hours having fun. Today was Rumi's last day here, but she said she was staying the whole day and leaving tomorrow. Suddenly there's a knock on my door. "Dimbyre, something in the mail for you."

"Okay mom I'll be out in a minute." I got out of bed, thinking to myself 'I wonder what is in the mail for me.' Stepping out of my room and walking into the living room, I see mom and Rumi both sitting on the couch. "So what's in the mail?"

"Come sit down, bro. It's a really important package." Rumi said, looking overly excited.

"Um, okay." I walk over and sit in between them and mom hands me an envelope with the letters UA sealing the envelope. "Wait, is this...?"

"It's your acceptance letter from UA. Open it." Mom said, nudging me.

Tearing it open, a small device falls out and lands on the table. Suddenly, the image of a strange creature shows up. "Hello Dimbyre. I am principal Nezu. I am here to inform you of how you did during your exam. During the practical exam, you managed to get an astounding eighty-seven points, which by itself guarantees you a spot in UA."

Rumi punches me in the arm with a smile on her face. "You smashed my score from my exam. Nice." We looked back to the image.

"But you were also graded on something else. Rescue points. You gained these by doing acts of heroism during the exam." He motions to a monitor behind him. It shows the footage of me saving Ryuko. "The way you didn't hesitate to save that girl shows that you truly have what it takes to be a hero and you were rewarded with sixty-three rescue points meaning you managed to get one-hundred and fifty points in total. Congratulations, this is your hero academia. The move into the on campus dorms is tomorrow."

"I... I got in. I got in!" I was so excited, I pulled mom and Rumi into a hug. "I can't believe I did it!"

"Gah! Okay, Dimbyre! Too tight!" Rumi struggled to say. Realizing this I let go. "Much better. Now you better go pack up, tomorrow is the big day."

I nod and excitedly run into my room to begin packing.

Dalinda POV

"He's grown up so fast."

"He certainly has. I still remember the little nine year old Dimbyre you brought home. He was so scared of everything, but luckily he got better." Rumi began to get angry. "If I ever see that man then he will wish he never did that to him."

"Calm down, Rumi. You know he's in jail right now. He's not going anywhere."

"I know... I wish Dimbyre could have met dad." Rumi became sad after saying that.

I pulled her into a hug. "I know honey. I wish they could have met too. I know your father would have loved Dimbyre like his own flesh and blood."

Dimbyre POV

I was frantically packing up some stuff trying to figure out what to bring. "Ugh, should I bring less clothes since it's a uniform school? Mmmaybe I should bring these or not. Gah this is too hard. Okay think. You have a uniform so you only need clothes for when you're going out and clothes for when you're in the dorms." Suddenly there's a knock at my door. "Come in."

The door opens, revealing Rumi. "Hey Dimbyre, how's the packing going?"

"I can't figure out what to bring with me. I didn't think it would be this hard to pack."

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