Chapter 2

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Nine years later
Dimbyre POV

I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I groan as I turn it off. "Ugh I don't wanna get up. At least it's Friday and Rumi said she was visiting this weekend." I said to myself.

"Dimbyre! Breakfast is ready!" I hear mom calling from the hallway.

"Okay! I'll be out in a minute!" I called back, still in my bed. I managed to drag myself out of bed and make my way to the dining room and take a seat.

Mom walked out with a plate of meat. "Good morning, dear. How did you sleep?"

"Eh, I slept okay."

"Still having those nightmares?" Mom asked.

"Y-yeah. I just wish he was completely gone from my life."

"I know. I wish he was too dear. Don't worry he won't ever hurt you again. Okay?"

"I know. Thanks mom. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. Now finish eating. The UA entrance exam is today, You don't want to be late."

"Yes ma'am." I quickly ate my food and got dressed for the exam.

When I arrive I stop to look at the giant building. "So this is UA university."

"Hey!" I heard someone behind me.

I turned around and saw Ryuko. "Oh hey Ryu. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine. Are you nervous for today?" She walked up to me, concerned.

"A little... but that's not enough to stop me. I am going to be a hero like mom and Rumi." I gave her a look of determination.

"Then I guess we both feel the same. Wanna have a little wager?" She began to get a mischievous look on her face.

"What kind of wager?"

"The person who scores higher overall wins and the loser has to do one thing the other asks no matter what it is."

I think about it for a second. "Hmmm... deal." I reach my arm out and she takes it. We both transform our arms and form a pact.

"There now neither of us can back out now that we've formed a pact. An unbreakable oath to our word."

She walked off with a confident look and I began to head inside. I stopped when I saw a green haired boy looking at the building. I walked up to him. "Hey, are you nervous?"

He jumped when I called out to him. "Gah. Oh h-hello. I-I didn't s-see you there. I-I'm pretty nervous about this, yeah. I hope I get in."

"Hey don't worry about it. Like my mom always says, "try your best and you can't fail yourself" so don't worry about it."

"Y-yeah, you're r-right. Thanks."

"Hey no problem, now we should probably head inside. What's your name by the way?"

"S-sure. I-I'm Izuku Midoriya."


As we make our way in, Izuku trips over his own feet. Before he hits the ground he is caught by a horn. Looking at where it came from revealed a girl with horns on her head and legs like a horse. "Sorry I didn't ask before I used my quirk but I didn't want you to fall, that would be bad luck."

I put him back on the ground and he turned to her, very nervous. "Uh..."

"I hope you two do well." She ran off to the building.

Izuku looked very excited when I turned to him. "I talked to a girl." He said to himself.

I laugh to myself at his reaction. 'He didn't say anything.' I think to myself. "Come on, let's go." I start pulling him along by the collar of his shirt, bringing him out of his trance.

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