Chapter 23

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(A/N: Not that much to say so let's get right into the chapter! I hope you enjoy!)

A couple days have passed since the exams. I'm currently doing push-ups with Ryuko and Eri on my back since Ryuko wanted to see if I could do it.

I was currently at "545... 546... 547..."

"Doing good Dim. What do you think, Eri?"

"Papa can do it!"

Everyone else was sitting around in the common room, watching tv or talking. We had a couple days off of school after the exams. Today was our last day off and we were having some fun with it.

We took Eri out shopping for some new toys. She's also doing pretty well with sleeping on her own. She struggles from time to time with nightmares but Ryuko manages to calm her down by singing to her. Eri always gets right to sleep after that.

The rest of the day quickly passed and I was laying in bed while Ryuko took a shower. I was thinking to myself about everything that's happened. My dad attacking with the league at the USJ. Someone trying to remove my mark and kill me. The Yakuza. Stain. That mysterious guy that's been following me.

Life sure can be a train ride, and this one has been taking me back and forth. I then start to think about all of the good stuff. Eri coming into our lives. Me finally being accepted by my class. Getting my temporary hero license. Being able to date Ryuko. Passing my finals with Ryuko. Being reunited with my old friends, Akuma and Tensha.

As I'm thinking to myself as I lay in bed, I feel a tail wrap around my leg and I see Ryuko laying next to me. "What's up Dim? You look like you're thinking."

"I'm just thinking about everything that's happened since coming to UA. All of the good and the bad. But, through it all, I wouldn't change a thing. Even with some of the things that's happened."

She crawled into bed with me. "Me neither Dim. Not one thing."

I pulled her close and kissed her. After that I rested my head in the crook of her neck. We held each other close and quickly fell to sleep.

The next morning, we were in class, waiting for Aizawa. When he came in, he stood at the podium and looked at us for a second. "I have an announcement. All of you are going to the camp." The room broke out in cheers as everyone was excited about this. Aizawa got annoyed and activated his quirk. "Quiet." The room was then plunged into silence. "Now, the reason for this is the camp is meant to improve you. For those that failed, it would make no sense for you to be left out since you would need it the most. Now onto class."

The school day went on like normal. During lunch, I smelt a familiar smell.


I did as Agate said and a tray almost hit me in the head. I grabbed the arm holding it and pulled. "Goose."

Over the wall behind me came Monoma. "What?!"

"What do you think you were doing?" I asked him, slitted, glowing eyes staring him down. "My daughter is in my lap. She could have been hit."

Monoma looked and saw Eri sitting in my lap, eating her food as if nothing was happening. "Uhh..."

Kendo walked up behind us. "Sorry about him." She took him from me and knocked him out.

"Well, no one was hurt so it's fine. Just make sure he knows not to do something like that with Eri here." I handed his tray of food to her. "You know a lot about your classmates, right?"


"Okay, I have some questions for you later. Meet me outside the school after school."

She nodded and left with Monoma in hand. I continued eating lunch and the school day continued. After school, Ryuko, Eri and I met Kendo outside of school and went to the 1-A dorms.

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