Chapter 25

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(A/N: Hi, I completely forgot to post today. It's late Friday for me and I just realized that A: It's Friday! And B: It's Late! So here I am posting now. I hope you enjoy!)

Training today was very hard. Having to stay in my dragon form for so long was the most difficult thing I've had to do. Now it's dark and the WWP led us to a place that looks like an outdoor kitchen. Fire lit stoves, tables, ingredients, the whole set up.

"Today, you will be making your own food!" Mandalay said.

Everyone became nervous. "Hey, I've got an idea!" I said as everyone looked at me. "How about as an apology for leaving you guys in the forest when we got here, I make the food and anyone who wants to learn can help!"

Everyone happily agreed and I ended up teaching Momo, Izuku, Kirishima and Eri but she just watched since I didn't want her dealing with open flame cooking yet.

The food turned out really well. Everyone managed to get a good taste to theirs. "Great job everyone! Okay, soups on!" Mandalay shouted.

Everyone began to eat and everyone was happy. As I looked around, I noticed Izuku was missing. "Ryu, I'll be right back."

"Okay, Dim. Don't be gone long."

I gave her a kiss and kissed Eri's horn and went into the woods following Izuku's scent. I followed it into a cave and eventually reached a cliff. I saw Izuku talking to that kid from before, Kota.

Izuku turned around to leave and saw me. "Oh, hey Dimbyre. What are you doing up here?"

"I noticed you were gone and came looking for you." I looked past him and saw Kota sitting on the edge of the cliff looking down at the forest. "Is he okay?"

""Yeah he's just... dealing with some stuff."

I nodded. "Okay, head back. I'll be there in a bit. I want to talk with him."

Izuku nodded and I walked up and sat next to the kid. "What do you want?"

"Not much. I just want to talk," I said simply.

"Well too bad. I don't want to talk to you stupid heroes."

"Okay, how about I talk and you listen?" He didn't say anything so I continued. "I wasn't always gonna be a hero. My father is a villain. He's one of the worst kinds there is. He wanted me to continue on his legacy or whatever. I never really learned the reason he did what he did to me. But one day, it all changed. I was saved by the most amazing woman, the most amazing hero, I've ever met. After that, she adopted me. Sadly her husband, another hero, died in the rescue. I never really got to meet him, sadly. But you know what? I wanted to be a hero. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because of those that saved me and gave their life in the pursuit. Maybe it's because it's what I always wanted to do. Maybe I just thought it was cool. I don't know. You get what I'm saying?"

He looked at me confused and shook his head.

"He, don't worry about it." I ruffed his head and stood up. "Well, I should be getting back. Be sure to eat something, you don't want to go hungry." I walked away and back through the forest to where I could smell Ryuko and Eri. They were in the baths so I walked into the men's side and relaxed in the refreshing water.


No one POV

The next day of training was just as hard as the last. Everyone was working hard to improve their quirks to the fullest they could.

Ryuko and Dimbyre were now fighting each other rather than the mud creatures to improve both their ability to hold the form for longer periods of time and their skill in a fight. They were at an even score of who has won to who's lost.

Both were even more exhausted than they were yesterday but neither were willing to throw in the towel yet.

Eri has improved her ability to change at a continually astonishing rate.

Everyone was putting their all into their training and night quickly fell. After dinner, everyone gathered around a clearing and were wondering what was going on.

"Tonight, we are doing something special since you've all been working so hard. You will be doing a test of courage!" Mandalay announced.

"But first, all of the students that failed will be coming with me for their extra lessons," Aizawa said.

Sero, Kirishima, Sato, Mina and Kirishima were all distraught. "What?! Mr Aizawa, please let us do this!" Mina begged.

"No. All of you come with me." Aizawa wrapped all of them up in his capture scarf and began to drag them off.

Eri pulled on Dimbyre's pant leg. "Papa, I don't wanna do anything scary. Can I go with Mr Aizawa?"

"Sure, Snowball." Eri ran over to Mr Aizawa and held onto him as he walked away to the main base. After that, Mandalay pulled lotts to see who was paired together.

Dimbyre POV

Luckily, I got teamed with Ryuko. Class B went into the woods to set up and was given fifteen minutes to do so.

During that time, we were looking around at all of the teams and I saw that Izuku was alone. "Ms Mandalay, would it be alright if Izuku teamed up with me and Ryuko?"

She thought about it for a second and okayed it. We walked over to Izuku and I put my arm around him.

"Hey Izuku, you're on my team."

He smiled at me and nodded. "Thanks Dimbyre!"


As I walked around the big building, I saw that kid that punched Uncle Zuku. I saw him about to leave the building so I followed him since I was curious about where he was going so late. He walked through the forest and up to a cliff.

The view from here was amazing. I watched him walk over to the cliff edge and sit down and look at the trees. I walked over to him. "Hi. I'm Eri. What's your name?"

"I'm Kota. What do you want?"

"I was just curious where you were going. So what are you doing?" I ask as I sat next to him and admire the view.


"Oh. Why do you hate heroes?"

He looked like he was thinking. "My... My parents were heroes. They were killed and left me behind. They left me alone."

"But you don't look alone." He looked at me confused. "Ms Mandalay is your aunt right?" He nodded. "Well, she looks like she's trying to be there for you all the time. You just keep pushing her away."

He looked away with a sad look. "I just... What if she leaves me too?"

"There'll be others. My papa was the first person who made me feel loved. My old mama gave me away to the bad man, saying that I was a curse. The bad man did a lot of things to me. One day, I saw my chance to escape so I ran. And then I met my papa. He saved me from the bad man. He introduced me to mama and my grandma and their friends. Before I felt all alone and that I was a curse but now I have my family." I had a big smile on my face, thinking about that day. I looked at him. "So don't worry. Okay?"

He nodded and we sat there in silence, enjoying the scenery, when I heard footsteps.

(A/N: Yup, I ended it on a cliffhanger. I regret nothing. Those of you who know what is happening, I can only say, yes, this is really happening. I hope you enjoyed!)

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