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everything fun comes to an end right

I just took billie back and not gonna lie it was hard

it was like watching the happiness drain from her face as they took her back

I remember the way she half smiled at me trying to let me know she's okay even though I know she wasn't

the taste of her lips remained on mine

the way she held me this morning before I had to take her back

she thanked me for everything yesterday

I had to answer questions about how things went before leaving

i'm on my way home and things are only getting harder

I pulled over placing my head in my hands trying to breathe

this isn't goodbye i'm gonna see her again soon

why is this so heavy

who knew one simple day would make the next so hard to live through

I could break her out and we could flee

but then If caught we'll both be arrested and she'll never be released and I cant fuck her over like that

after overthinking I pulled back onto the road and started driving home


I parked in my garage and walked up to the main floor putting my keys on the counter

"I swear to god lyric you-"

Ashtyn started but I blanked out evrything

I honestly didn't care anymore

I pushed past her walking upstairs to my room putting on the shirt I let her borrow last night that smelled like her

this felt like a rough breakup or some shit

I cuddled into my blankets

maybe I need therapy

why does time pass so quickly

why do people get attached to the ones that need the most help

I pulled out my phone looking at the pictures and videos we took last night

mostly billie saying or doing something stupid and me laughing before she laughed

I stared at the ceiling listening to music

it was almost like my depression creeping back or some shit

I haven't been with someone in years and it's like they just left even though I know she didn't

Ashtyn walked into my room

"what the fuck do you want"

I mumbled coldly

"you need to go to therapy"

she said as I just laughed

"go away"

I said turning over back facing her

"you know you're dating someone who cheated on you anyone in their right mind would leave"

I told her

"yeah but-"

she stared

"I don't wanna hear it....if you cant respect my relationship and my choices then don't speak on it I make my own choices"

I told her as she walked out

that's right walk away bitch

you know yeah Im crazy but if me being crazy means im in a happy relationship then so be it

my phone started ringing as I answered it

"hello this is Lyric thorne"

I answered with a fake happy sound as I heard a sniffle on the other line

"I miss you"

billie said softly

"I miss you too baby"

I sighed

"why is this so hard"

she asked

"it's not like we're seeing each other in two days or anything"

i said as she giggled

"but I don't know this is weird it's really hard on me too"

I said as she sniffled again

"shit you're gonna make me cry"

I said as she giggled lightly

"two days"

she said

"two days"

I repeated back

"are you doing okay"

I asked her

"yeah I guess...I just wanna sleep with you again"

she confessed

sleeping in her arms I felt safe in a way

like no one in the world could get to me

I just want billie here with me by my side

"are you okay"

she asked

"ill be okay"

I said honestly as she sighed

"i'm sorry"

she apologized

"for what"

I asked

"if I wasn't so stupid as a kid I could be with you and we wouldn't be apart...but I fucked up"

she said

"billie if you hadn't fucked up I would've never met're learning from your past and you've changed you're not the same person from then"

I told her

it was quiet for a little before I heard someone in the background

"I gotta go"

she said sadly

"okay bil ill see you soon"

I told her


she said


I repeated and hung up unwillingly

I dropped my phone by my side as I focused on the ceiling again

two more days....


short filler chapter

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