Chapter 2

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Lillian was roused from her sleep by a continuous beeping. It was annoying to say the least. She wanted to reach out and slam the snooze button on whatever stupid alarm clock was making all that racket.

She blinked her eyes open, only to force them shut again when fluorescent white lights momentarily blinded her. She lifted an arm to cover her eyes, which only resulted in a spark of pain.

Pain... just about everywhere in her body.

What the hell happened?

Why did everything hurt so bad?

Lillian let her arm fall back to her side, slivering her eyes open and blinking repeatedly to get used to the lighting in the room.

When her eyes were adjusted, Lil moved to sit up, blowing out a pained breath as she jostled her body, then inched back to recline against the pillows behind her.

This was not her bedroom. Nor was it Andy's.

This was a hospital room. Why on earth was she in the hospital?

Then, suddenly, the memories of getting beat up for not doing Carter's homework came back to her. She winced at the whole situation- most of all, ending up in the hospital over a couple hits.

She'd really gotten her ass handed to her.

She continued glancing around the room, frowning thoughtfully. She studied the equipment she was hooked up too, then continued until her eyes landed on two chairs pulled up to the bedside.

One of the chairs was housing Andy, who was slumped over on a tiny patch of the mattress. His arms were pillowing his head, and his breaths were slow and even. Lil had to wonder just how long Andy had been here if he was asleep on the edge of her bed. He was conscious of where he fell asleep. He could barely even manage to fall asleep in a car, unless he was completely comfortable with everyone in the vehicle.

She pushed the worry for her friend down though, in favor of making the best of the situation. If you can't scare the crap out of your best friend for a bit of a joke, then was the friendship worth it?

The girl giggled silently to herself as she reached over, lifting off the pillows and pulling her legs under herself to grab Andy's shoulder and give him a careful shake.

As expected, Andy jerked awake, blinking in confusion around the room before his eyes focused on Lil, watching him hesitantly. He let out a visable breath of relief, slumping a little into the chair and managing a small smile in Lil's direction.

"Oh, thank God you're awake, Lil," he breathed, "I was so worried when I found you on the floor at school-"

"W-who's Lil?" Lillian was sure to put an edge of confused fear in her voice, "and, and who are you?"

Lil almost snorted with how the colour drained from Andy's face, his chair scratching along the floor as he shot to his feet, "w-what do you mean? You're Lil- Lillian Allen. And I'm Andy- Andrew Mientus, your best friend, remember?"

"Uhm?" Lil smothered the urge to laugh at her best friend's panic. Andy's eyes were wide as he studied Lillian's every movement. "That... doesn't really ring any bells..."

"Oh my God, uh, what... what do you remember?"

"I... I remember... h-how," Lillian paused for dramatic effect before finally letting the charade drop, "how gullible you are, Andy."

Lillian leaned forwards a bit more as she laughed at the shell-shocked expression on her best friend's face. She reached forwards, grabbing his hand and bringing it to her lips to press a kiss on the back of his hand. "I got my ass handed to me, not brain damage, dude."

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