Chapter 11

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Oh my god, does he know? Does Blaine know why I was actually transferred?  

I couldn't help it as I leapt up from the piano bench. The bench made a loud scraping sound as it skidded out behind me. I stumbled over my own feet as I stood and tripped backwards towards the door. How does he know? Does anyone else know?

"Lil?" Blaine called quietly as he took a cautious step in my direction. 

"I-I have to use the restroom," I stuttered out quickly. 

"I'll show you where it i-"

"That's fine, I can find it!" I waved Blaine off quickly, turning on my heel and bolting from the room. How? How did Blaine find out?

I slowed my pace once the music room was no longer in sight. I thought I'd done a good job of covering up my bruises. Uncle hadn't said anything to anyone? The only people who should know are me, Andy, Uncle and the Dean at Dalton. 

Just knowing that Blaine might know what really happened made me feel nauseous. I paused in my movements too lean against a row of lockers. My stomach settled slowly, and I continued on towards the restroom. Once safely locked inside a stall, I did the only thing I could think of to do- call Andy. 

It rang three times, and on the fourth, the boy picked up. 

"What's up, Lillian?" 

"Um, nothing. Nothing is up." I cringed internally at myself. My tone sounded so broken and Andy was sure to know that something was wrong.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I smiled slightly at Andy's concern.  

"I'm okay, just stressing out a little bit." 


"Well, I'm pretty sure Blaine, that boy I told you about, knows why I was enrolled at Dalton..."

"How would he know?- Why do you think he knows?" 

"I'm not sure how he'd know. I haven't said anything. You haven't said anything. I mean, you don't even know anyone at the school well enough to actually talk to them- Not that I don't want you to get to know them- I mean, they'd all love to meet you probably- just-"

"You're rambling again, Lil," Andy interrupted with a concerned voice. I only really rambled like that when something was truly stressing me out. 

"Right, sorry. I think he knows because he told all the kids at McKinley High that I was accepted to Dalton Academy for special circumstances, then he shot me a sad look! How am I supposed to take that? Why the sad look?" I threw my hands up in exasperation. 

"Why are you at McKinley?"

"I don't know- Not the point, Andy!" I huffed out. A smile smile graced my lips at my friend's lack of focus. 

"Oh, sorry." I could almost imagine the sheepish smile on Andy's face, "Maybe you're just overreacting. I mean, there's no proof that he knows. He might just know you were accepted under special circumstances, like he said. You were accepted under special circumstances, you are a female, going to an all boy's school, Lil. There's gotta be some special reason you'd be granted permission for that."

"Yea... Yeah, I suppose you're right. I mean, Blaine can't actually know. I've hidden everything, and no one could've told him... You're right, Andy. Thank you." I released a breath of air, huffing out relief. Andy always knew how to diffuse my panic like that. I unlocked the stall door and stepped out into the main bathroom, resting tiredly against the sink. 

"No problem, Lil, I know this whole ordeal has been rough on you. I'm always here for you." I smiled at myself in the mirror as Andy said this to me. 

"I know." I smiled again, shifting the phone against my ear, "Sorry to bother you like this. I have to go now, I've probably been in the bathroom longer than any person should be peeing." Andy laughed at that. I stifled a laugh, mostly laughing at Andy laughing. 

"Okay, Dear, I'll see you later then. Love ya." Andy 

"Love you too, bye, And." I hung up the phone and sighed softly. When I opened the door, I jumped back with a surprised yelp as I noticed Blaine leaned against the wall with a concerned look on his face.

"Sorry," he mumbled quietly, frowning at me. 

"For what?" I asked cautiously, hand over my racing heart. 

"For scaring you. You've just been gone a while and I was starting to get worried. I guess I said something to upset you? Or someone else did." I frowned at the guilty look in Blaine's eyes.

"That's... fine. You don't have to apologize." We stood in silence for a second. Neither of us speaking. 

"Why did you transfer to Dalton?" Blaine asked suddenly. I had just been about to ask if we should be catching up with the others. 

"I uh-" my mouth went dry.

"I have some suspicions, and I know it has something to do with all those bruises on your face."

"I-It doesn't-"

"I'm not stupid, Lil." Blaine said blankly. His eyes glowed with a knowing look, "I've been there, Lil. Where you are. You switch school mid-way through a semester, you are covered in dark, new bruises and you transfer to the only school around that has a zero tolerance bullying rule? It must've been pretty bad for you too be accepted into an all boy's school." 

"I um-" Well, no going back now. He actually does know. I knew it. "I um... almost died," 

Blaine released a quiet gasp. I couldn't bear to look at his face, so I kept eye contact with my shoes. 

"You can't tell anyone." I told him quickly. "I don't want anyone to know. Only four, well now you as well, know what happened." 

"You can tell the Warblers, they'd understand-"

"Please, don't tell them."

"What about Sebastian? And Nick and Jeff?" 

"Blaine." I sighed tiredly, "please."

"Okay." He huffed out a long breath, "okay, I won't tell anyone." 

"Thank you." 

"So.. the day with Kurt, at the Lima Bean?"

"They guys who attacked me... they showed up."

"You should've told!" Blaine frowned, reaching forwards to hug me. I melted into the embrace, snuggling into the junction of Blaine's neck. "I would've gotten you out."

"It's fine, Sebastian found me." Why... why am I blushing?

"But what if he didn't?" Blaine pulled back, studied my face with a confused look before pressing the back of his fingers against my cheek. "We should get you back to the school, you feel warm. Your face is flushed." Blaine frowned, clearly concerned. 

I would've told him I was fine. But I honestly did not want to have to deal with the McKinley Glee club anymore today. I was emotionally drained from my panic, and dealing with Blaine knowing my biggest secret. The only thing I wanted to do was head back to my dorm and sleep. 

"I'm just going to text Kurt, and tell him you aren't feeling well. Maybe we can come back and help tomorrow?" I nodded softly and leaned on Blaine for support, adding to the illness facade. Even though I was actually using him for support, I'm beat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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