Chapter 10

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I had gotten pretty used to being the only female high school student at Dalton Academy. It wasn't that bad, except some of the awkward guys who still try to ask me out. There was also the boys who stared at me like they've never seen a girl before; which is a little weird.

"Lil!" I looked up from my textbook to see Blaine leaning against the table. 

"Oh, hi," I smiled. 

"Are you up for a trip to McKinley?" after a second of silence Blaine continued, "they're doing some kind of performance and asked if I would help."

"Yea, sure. Who else is going?"

"Just me and you, Seb doesn't really get along with them, Nick and Sebastian are studying for a math exam and the other Warblers are going to check out buses for nationals in a few months."

"Yea, sure, can we stop by my dorm first?"

"Sure thing!" 

It didn't take too long for me to touch up my make up and put my books away. Then Blaine and I were walking to a car. Blaine got into the driver's seat and I followed suit into the passenger's side. The drive was fairly quiet, they soft murmur of the radio in the background. It was a Thursday after school, so when we arrived the school looked deserted. Blaine and I got out of the car, and he led me through the school.

"There's a lot of people you haven't met yet," Blaine told me as he pushed a door open. Inside there was a group of people, it looked like a music room, but it was nowhere near as fancy as Dalton's. 

"Everyone, this is my new friend, Lil," Blaine gestured to me, "Lil, this is the New Directions." I gave a shy wave of my hand as the group eyed me up. 

"It's great to see you again," Kurt came to my rescue, pulling me into a hug. After hugging me, he wrapped his arms around Blaine. I smiled at the two before turning my gaze towards the others in the room. A guy with brown hair made his way towards me and offered his hand,

"I'm Finn," he introduced as I shook his hand. As I shook his hand, I couldn't help but notice a brunette girls glaring at me, she quickly stood. She made her way towards us, and placed her hand on Finn's shoulder before narrowing her eyes at me. 

"Rachel," she introduced, pulling my hand out of Finn's and giving it a rough shake. I retracted my hand as soon as she let go and slowly made my way back to Blaine. 

"Okay," Blaine blinked at Rachel, "that's Artie, Santana, Brittney, Puck, Tina, Mike, Quinn and Sam."

"Where's Mercedes?" I asked, that's who was with Kurt that day, wasn't she?

"She's sick," Artie, the boy in the wheelchair, answered. I nodded slowly.

"That's why we needed Blaine," Sam explained, "he's going to take her place."

"Ah," I mumbled. Why was I here then? Then, as if reading my thoughts, Blaine spoke.

"Lil here plays the piano beautifully." I blinked once, twice. As I felt the colour drained from my face. I turned towards him, only too see him giving me a face that said 'sorry-i-didn't-tell-you-earlier'.

"You play?" Quinn asked, walking towards a piano and gesturing me to follow. I glared at Blaine for a second, sending him an 'i-hate-you-so-much-right-now' look as I followed. I took a seat at the piano, letting my fingers trace over the keys to get a feel of it, but not pushing anything. 

"What... what should I play?" I asked quietly. I was not prepared for this kind of pressure. 

"Play anything-" Blaine started,

"Play, Für Elise." Rachel interjected, crossing her arms across her chest smugly. I narrowed my eyes at her. I don't know what her problem is, but if she want's to do this, let the games begin. She clearly doesn't believe I can play piano. I glanced back at Blaine and Kurt, Kurt gave me an apologetic look, while Blaine gave me a knowing glance. I shrugged. 

"I apologize if I'm a little rusty," I frowned. A tapped a few keys to get the layout of this specific piano, before effortlessly starting the song. I tutted quietly to myself as I played through the song. I played it perfectly, but it took more effort to place my fingers since I hadn't practiced in a while. Once I finished the song, I glanced towards the group of people. They were all giving me weird looks. I furrowed my eye brows as I looked towards Blaine with a pleading look. Blaine beamed at me, as he made his way towards me. 

"I told you she could play," he grinned at Kurt who smiled. Rachel was fuming in the corner, and everyone else was just kind of smiling at me. 

"Who's this?" I turned to see a man at the door. 

"Mr. Shue," Quinn greeted, "this is Lil." I once again sent a shy wave towards the new person. 

"And Blaine's here," The man, 'Mr. Shue' smiled towards Blaine. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. Shue," Blaine smiled a charming smile towards the man, "I hope you don't mind I brought Lil with me, she goes to school with me," Blaine explained. The room fell silent with this new information. 

"Lil goes to Dalton?" Kurt asked. Tilting his head towards me. 

"Yep," Blaine nodded, he threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me up from the piano bench. 

"Isn't Dalton an all boys school?" Puck asked, leaning back in his chair. 

"Indeed it is," Blaine nodded, "Lil was accepted under special circumstances." I glanced at Blaine to see him giving me a knowing sad glance. What was that look? What circumstanc- Oh my god, does he know? Does Blaine know why I was actually transferred?

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