Chapter 9

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Lil's P.O.V

"Sooooo?" Andy started, after I had started stripping off my uniform to replace it with PJ's. 

"Hmm? So what?" I inquired, pulling a long shirt on and spinning to greet Andy's gaze. 

"Who was that hottie?" He laid across my bed as teenager gossiping about a cute boy to her friend would. 

"Oh Sebastian, he's a guy that goes here..." I mumbled. 

"So what's he into? Girls, guys?"

"I don't know," I mumbled,

"Have I not taught you anything? How do you not know?" Andy playfully glared at me.

"Unlike you, I can't randomly strike up a conversation about sexuality..." I rolled my eyes. 

"Clearly you don't have my talent," he muttered, "7 years of girl talk and still no improvement..." I laughed at his remark, and started wiping off my foundation. 

"Those don't look like they're healing..." Andy mumbled, sitting up and walking towards me. He slid his hand across my bruised cheek, causing me to wince. He muttered an apology and flopped onto the bed again. 

"They still hurt as well," I told him, examining the bruise close up in the mirror. "So how's school?" I asked. 

"It sucks without you, now I'm lonely...." He sighed dramatically. 

"You could always enroll here, zero tolerance bullying...and you're actually a dude..."

"Haha," he laughed sarcastically, "you know I'm too poor for that..." I frowned slightly. 

"Anyways, I should get going... I have a math test tomorrow." I groaned as Andy pulled on his coat. 

"Love ya," I half smiled.

"Love you too," he hugged me, "It's down the stairs and too the right, right?"

"I still have no idea," I mumbled with a shrug, "my neighbors can probably help, Jeff and Nick or to the right and Blaine and Sebastian are to the left."

"Okay thanks." I watched Andy leave out the door. After settling into the bed to watch a movie, I groaned slightly at the knock on the door. I flipped the covers off and shuffled to the door, pulling it open. Blaine?

"Uh, hey..." I mumbled. Before I could say or do anything else he pulled me into a hug. 

"I'm so glad you're okay, you just ran and we couldn't keep up..." He mumbled into my shoulder. 

"Yea, sorry about that... I just uh left the stove on and had to turn it off." I blurted without thinking. Blaine stared at me for a minute, thinking of what I just said. 

"We don't have stoves in our dorms..." He mumbled, raising his eyebrows. I mentally face palmed, that's the best you could come up with? I mentally scolded myself.

"Oh- uh I meant to say-"

"Okay, I understand you don't want to tell me, but these are kinda ridiculous..." I nodded slightly in embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry, I know you're only trying to help... I just don't want to dump my problems on you..." I sighed, letting him into the room.

"I understand, but you can't just run off like that... Something could've happened and it would of been my fault." Blaine explained, I could see where he was coming from. 

"Okay, enough about my weird actions- would you like to join me for a movie?" I asked, pointing towards my movie watching set up. 

"You know it," Blaine grinned. We settled into the bed and I pressed play on the movie. We watched for a while- laughing at the comedy. As the plot started winding down I noticed Blaine not into it as much. 

"What?" I asked after his silence. 

"That's a pretty nasty bruise..." He mumbled, he narrowed his eyes at me. And I once again inwardly cursed myself out. How could you've been so stupid as to not cover it up?

"It's not that bad," I mumbled.

"You didn't have it earlier?" Blaine stated, "Did it happen when you ran?" I was tempted to say it did happen when I ran away, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. 

"No, I did it before coming here... I've been covering it up with makeup." I explained to him. 

"What happened?" Blaine asked. 

"I um, would rather not discuss it.." I whispered out. 

There was a moment of silence and neither of us spoke. 

"Okay..." Blaine mumbled softly. "I should get going, Seb's probably wondering where I went... since I was just coming over to check up on you."

"Okay," I nodded softly, keeping my gaze on the ground. I heard Blaine stand and walk towards the door. "Don't tell anyone, okay?" I questioned. I gazed up at him. His hand rested on the doorknob and his face filled with uncertainty. I looked at him with pleading eyes and he slowly nodded. 

"I won't," I sent him a small smile that he returned as he left. He probably thinks Andy or my Uncle beat me. I really hope he doesn't tell anyone. 


Sebastian's P.O.V

I glanced at the door as Blaine walked in. 

"What took you so long?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow at him. So much for a quick visit as he returns an hour and a half later. 

"Oh, uh we watched a movie." He sounded different... I couldn't put my finger on it... 

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up in my bed. 

"Nothings wrong, why do you ask?"

"You just... sound different, is everything okay with Lil?"

"Um, yea, she- she's great." he sent me a half smile, as he grabbed his pajamas from his dresser and went to the bathroom. 

"Was she okay after this afternoon? did you find out what made her run?" I asked again, determined to get some answers why she had a panic attack on the street. 

"She's okay now, I guess the visit with her friend really helped, I felt the jealousy burn inside me, "She didn't tell me why- she actually gave me a really stupid excuse." Blaine laughed after explaining this.

"Really?" I questioned, the jealous anger dying down as I reminded myself I was gay and she could have however many boys in her room as she wanted...

"Yep," Blaine came out, he was changed and the bathroom smelt of minty toothpaste. 

"Goodnight," I said, laying back down and pulling up the blankets. 

"Night," Blaine replied, shutting off the lights and climbing into his own bed. 

Why do I find this girl so interesting? 

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