Chapter 5

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Sebastian's P.O.V
"FREEZE!" I yelled. Everyone stopped moving and looked at me. "Boys on the sofa, girl on the love seat." I spoke, organizing us. The girl looked between all of us and the love seat. She gulped and slowly walked over to the love seat, not turning her back to us. I turned to the guys and glared at them. They all rolled there eyes and sat on the sofa. "Now what are you doing here?" I turned to the girl. She looked like she was about to cry. "I'msorryIdidn'tmeantobeinhere.IwasjustlookingaroundandIthoughtthisplacelookedcool.AndIwantedtoseeitinsidesoIcameinandstartedplayingthepiano! Pleasedon'thurtme!" She spoke super fast I couldn't understand any of it. I turned to my friends to see them all with the same confused look on there faces. I turned back to the girl "Please go again... Just slow enough to understand." I said sitting on the coffee table. The girl took a deep breath "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be in here. I was just looking around and I thought this place looked cool. And I wanted to see it inside so I came in and started playing the piano..." She said. I knew she didn't say something she said earlier. But decided to let it slide. "Why are you looking around?" Nick asked. "Because my uncle had me enrolled here..." She said looking down at her shoes. I could tell something was off about the girl. "Wow in all Dalton history, I never thought that would happen..." Blaine said. She gave us a confused look. "This is an all boys school..." I said looking at her confuses face. Her face went from confusion to anger then to frightened. What the?

Lillian's P.O.V
Oh I'm gonna kill him! I stormed out of the whatever room I was just in, leaving all those boys with confused faces. How could he do this to me?! I'm terrified of guys, so why not send me to an all boys school?! Ah yes, I see he used his common sense. I stormed into my door, and yanked my cellphone out of my purse. I clicked my uncles face, and let it ring a couple times.

Uncle: Hello?
Me: I have a bone to pick with you.
Uncle: What why?
Me: Hmm I don't know... Enrolled me in an all boys school!!
Uncle: Wait what?
Me: You heard me, all boys.
Uncle: But, but Paul said it would be perfect for you.
Me: Paul?
Uncle: An old friends, he's the schools dean.
Me: That doesn't male anything better!
Uncle: Sweetie, just try it for a while, it costed a lot to get you enrolled, even though I'm friends with the dean...
Me: Fine.
Uncle: Love you...
Me: Love you too...
Uncle: bye sweetie,
Me: bye.

I hung up. This would be the point when I crawl into a ball and cry in the corner... And isn't even here... I heard a knock on the door, I'm not answering. The knocking continued, Until I had enough. I walked to the door and opened it a crack. It was one of the boys from the room...? I think. "Hi, I'm Blaine." He spoke trying to stick his hand through the door to skake my hand. I widened the door allowing him in. "I'm Lillian..." I weakly smiled. "Nice to meet you, and I sorry for our little mix up in the choir room, We weren't expecting anyone to be there..." He smiled skating my hand. "I came by to welcome you too the school, If you need anything, I'm to the right, with my roommate Sebastian, and if we're not available, the people to the left are Nick and Jeff, They'll help you." He smiled walking towards the door. "Sleep well, I'm just over there if you need me." He pointed to the right. I watched him leave, he quietly shut the door behind him. Well he seems nice... Could I trust him? Maybe... But I don't know about the others...

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