Chapter 8

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((A/N: Half way through writing this chapter I search up Sebastian Smythe and looked at pictures... that lead to Gifs... then I fell into the deep hole of Warbler performances on YouTube...))

Lil's P.O.V

After running into whoever I ran into, I didn't even try to get up. I was too busy trying to calm my breathing. 

"S-sorry," I apologized quickly. Now I stood up, and tried walking away. The person grabbed my wrist before I could go. 

"Lillian?" This person knew me, I looked up at the stranger. Recognizing the Dalton Academy uniform, my eyes met with none other than Sebastian Smythe's. 

"Oh, Sebastian, it's only you." I let out a sigh of relief. He raised an eye brow suspiciously,

"Why are you crying?" I'm crying..? I brushed my blazer sleeve across my cheek and sure enough I was crying.

"I uhm- I-I uh" I stuttered out. Oh great, just what I needed right now. A panic attack.

"Whoa, calm down," Sebastian said quickly, I cautiously sat on the curb, trying once again to calm myself. Sebastian sat down beside me, waiting out the panic attack with me. "What were you running from?" He questioned slowly. I hadn't seen the caring side of Sebastian before. He acts like a total dick at school- well not to me... 

"N-nothing..." I stuttered out. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"It was clearly something... I thought you were out with Blaine? At least that's what he told us..." Sebastian said. 

"I was with Blaine, and his friends were lovely."

"The McKinley kids? Pff they are anything but friendly... Anyways why aren't you with Blaine anymore?" Sebastian said. I brushed off the McKinley comment and tried to answer his question.

"I was with him... but I got nervous and ran..." It was partly the truth, he doesn't need to know what made me nervous. Sebastian stared at me for a second, before wiping the tears away from my cheeks. My eyes widened as his finger took off not only the tears, but the foundation covering my bruised cheek. I quickly turned my head, not letting him see the bruise. He stared at the foundation for a second, before wiping his finger on the wet pavement. 

"Do you want me to take you back to Dalton?" He asked kindly. I nodded awkwardly. He stood up first, then extended his hand for me to take. He is a gentleman. Once I was standing he didn't let go of my hand- I wasn't opposed to it though. I know I can't get too close to people, but... he's just helping me get back to Dalton...

Sebastian's P.O.V

I don't understand why I'm so attracted to this girl- I mean, I'm gay... Aren't I? I like boys, but I equally like this girl. She's just so down to earth. I extended my arm to her after I stood up, she gratefully took it. After she was standing I knew I should've pulled my hand back, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. As we walked in an calming silence a thought came to mind. 

"Does Blaine know where you are?" I questioned, Blaine is a little bit of a worrier. She looked at the ground and shook her head not looking at me. "I should probably text him," I sighed, pulling my hand away from hers. I pulled my phone from my pocket and started typing as we continued to walk. 

Seb: Hey, Just though I'd say I have Lillian and I'm taking her back to Dalton. Mind catching me up later tonight?

It took a few seconds for a reply.

Blaine: Thank goodness, I was worried. She ran out of here like she was accused of murder :l And yea sure, I'll tell you everything tonight. Meet you back at Dalton.

I put my phone back into my pocket and turned to Lillian, she was staring at the ground as we walked. 

"If you don't look up, you may walk into something- or someone." I joked, grabbing her hand again. She looked up and me a slight smile on her lips. We continued walking, talking about whatever came to mind.  We got to the main foyer and we dropped our hands. A boy was walking around confused. Actually, he looked like that boy Jeff gave directions to that day.

"...Andy...?" Lillian tilted her head towards the lost boy. He quickly spun around and smiled.

"Hey Lil," 

"What are you doing here?" Lillian questioned him,

"I came to see how your first day went," he beamed. "I just couldn't find your room," At this point, the boy noticed me, awkwardly stood very close to Lillian. He looked me up and down before smiling.

"Oh, Sebastian, this is Andy, Andy, Sebastian." She acquainted us. I smiled briefly at him, before turning back to Lillian. 

"Do you need me to take you too your room... or-" 

"Yes please, I'd be so lost," Lil sent me a small smile. I nodded, leading them both towards our hallway. 

"I'm right next door if you need me," I told her, as we got to our doors, She nodded and opened her door. She and Andy walked in. I loosened my tie as I walked into mine and Blaine's dorm. I slipped off my blazer and tie, leaving me in my white button up. I noticed the foundation still on my finger, now that I think about it... that's alot of foundation. I went into the bathroom to wash my hands as I heard the door open. 

"Seb? You here?" I looked out at Blaine and he smiled at me. He took off his overcoat, and hung it by the door. "Is Lil alright?" He questioned.

"A little shaken up, but she's fine. She's next door with a boy." I explained. 

"A boy from school?" 

"No, some kid named Andy. From her old school I think."

"Well that's nice," Blaine smiled. 

"Mhmm," I snapped. What has gotten into me? 

"You okay?" Blaine questioned, narrowing his eyes on me.

"Perfectly fine, now what happened earlier?" Blaine started telling me about the day's previous events as we got ready for bed. 

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